| Instructions | Surname List |
Here is a listing of Mercer County, New Jersey, surnames (= family names or last names) with names and addresses of researchers.
If you would like to add the surnames you are researching to the list, please put "MERCER COUNTY SURNAME LIST" in the subject line of your e-mail message to insure the request is not overlooked or accidently deleted. In your message put the surnames in all CAPS that you want listed, your complete name, and your e-mail or snail-mail address. Your surname must have a connection to Mercer County, New Jersey, to be posted here.
Add Your Surname to the List: |
![]() | Please notify me -- -- of changes in your addresses. I will not remove surnames from the list unless requested to do so. However, I accept no responsibility for "bad" addresses! |
This surname list also serves as as an index to the Mercer County Queries. Clicking on the "hot-linked" "query in brackets" will take you to the query for that surname.
Alphabetic Index to Surname List Pages (Click on letter or next page button)
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
Y |
Z |
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