The Mercer County Surname List serves as a surname index to the queries.
This page was last on:
8 November 2009
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| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z |
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Seeking any information about George D. ABRAHAMS, born about
1784 Londonderry, England, m. Phebe BURROUGHS or BURROWS, about 1809 in New Jersey; of Hopewell, NJ;
Ewing, Mercer Co., NJ; Lambertville or Amwell, NJ. George ABRAHAM 1780-1858 from England, m. Mary
CLEAVER, 1817 in Batavia or Tate Twp., Clermont Co., OH, buried near Dillsboro, Dearborn Co., IN; Nancy
m. Elias CURRY, Sarah (Sally) ABRAHAM m. Samuel Martin WEAVER, Ezekiel ABRAHAM m. Eliza Jane HAINES; son
of Elias CURRY, George Milton CURRY m. Lou Ann TICHENOR; daughter of Thomas STEVENSON, Martha B.
STEVENSON m. George DURHAM in Dearborn Co., IN. Joseph BURROUGHS born 1790, brother of Phebe BURROUGHS
born 1788, married Rachel STEVENSON born 29 Nov 1802, daughter of Elnathan STEVENSON born 15 Dec 1761,
died 30 Oct 1842. Andrew STEVENSON (28 May 1779 NY-31 Mar 1867 IA) father of twins, Thomas and James
STEVENSON born 27 Mar 1815 Cayuga Co., NY.
- Daniel C. Stevenson. 21 February 2000.
I am looking for information on the Frank ALMACK family that lived
in Trenton, New Jersey, and operated the Almack Florest Shop on Broad Street, until Mr. ALMACK's death on
12/23/58. Wife was Helene Verdi ALMACK, daughter Deborah ALMACK. Thank you.
- Carol Fedder. 29 November 2000.
I'm looking for any information about relatives of my great
grandfather Reuben ANDERSON, he was born in Kingston, NJ on January 6, 1846. His parents were Stephen
ANDERSON & Sarah HULSE. He also went by the name of Robert ANDERSON, he was a veteran of the Civil war
joining in Philadelphia on September 14, 1863, He was assigned to Company K 19th Reg. Pa Cavalry. He was
captured and served time in Andersonville Prison. He married Elizabeth CROSS in Beverly, NJ, Burlington
County on August 24, 1874. His occupation was listed as a barber, he had shops in the South Trenton
area, on Center St. and Second St. He lived at many locations in and around Trenton. He died on October
21, 1931, in Hamilton Square, NJ at the age or 83. I would like to hear from anyone that might be
- Bob Shaw. 2 June 2000.
Seeking info on the BABCOCK
family. Rachel BABCOCK was born in Princeton, NJ on 20 Oct 1817. She
married William WELLS in Brooklyn, NY on 17 Jun 1834. Who were Rachel's
- Carla Kennedy. 10 February
I believe that part of the primarily Quaker Colonies from the
Aberdeenshire and surrounding areas in Scotland around 1680 that were settled in East Jersey with my
kinsmen John BARCLAY and his inabsentia propriator and Governor of East Jersey brother Robert BARCLAY and
propriator father, David and nephew David were in Mercer County. I am inquiring of other families from
these settlement any information they might have about the settlers in that generation and those to
follow. I am seeking a connection between the descendants of BARCLAY in East Jersey and later those in
Rowan Co NC, Jersey settlement, Robert BARKLEY b est 1717 to 1723 married to Leah probably Madison
BARKLEY. The BARCLAY family has betten to dead the question of who was Robert BAKLEY of Rowan Co m to
Leah and where did he come from, but the clues may be with other settler families. Also, does anyone
have a note in their family materials about Robert BARCLAY, the Governor and Quaker Apologist ever
visiting the colonies in America, his having other interests in Scotland and this being just one of them.
These BARCLAYs were the BARCLAYs of Ury. New Jersey history seems to have either forgotten or never known
much of these colonies, a fastinating part of its history.
- Teddy Barclay Pope. Tyler Co, Texas. 7 August 2000.
John BARLOW b 1833 and wife Ann b 1834
immigrated to Trenton, Mercer Co, NJ from England in 1861 with 5 children: John Jr b 1852, Martha,
Elizabeth, George, & William. Had 3 more children born in Trenton: Emily, Anna, & Lydia b 1868. Family
lived on Clinton St and owned a boarding house. Need to find death dates for John and Ann BARLOW.
Trenton City directories on-line list John in 1882 and Ann as a widow in 1900. Jacob GAREY b 1825 in
Germany (shoemaker) and wife Lydia b 1821 lived on Chauncey St in Trenton with daughters Emma C b 1848
and Anna L b 1853 in Trenton. GAREY family is listed in the 1860 Fed census but no others. Jacob GAREY
is listed in the on-line city directories in 1859, 1881, and 1882. Need any info on death dates, other
children, state census, etc. John BARLOW Jr (mason) and Anna L GAREY m 9 Mar 1873 in Trenton. Had 5
children: Ella b 1873, Bertha b 1875, Harry b 1878, Lillie b 1881, & Robert b 1884. Harry BARLOW married
Phoebe HENRY 26 Mar 1910 in Beverly, Burlington Co, NJ. Had 4 sons. Family split up by 1920 and went
seperate ways. Harry d 29 Dec 1933 and is buried in Riverview Cemetery in Trenton. Other BARLOW's may
be buried there. Does Riverview have a cemetery inscription list?
- Laura Barlow. Oregon. 31 May 2000.
Researching BARTLETT, Henry Benjamin, born ca 1873 at Trenton,
Mercer County, NJ, died 1951 at Ana, Illinois, buried Laramie, Wyo.
- Evelyn Bartlett Flood. 11 May 2000.
Looking for information on BILLINGHAM. Philip BILLINGHAM died
September 10, 1935 age 81, address 1238 South Clinton Av, Trenton. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery. Son
was Thomas BILLINGHAM. Grandson Kenneth P. BILLINGHAM. Great grandson Kenneth H. BILLINGHAM. I have
been told that there is a book about Mercer County published 1907 with information on BILLINGHAM, page
366. Where can I find the book? Looking for the connection to Roland BILLINGHAM.
- Kenneth H.
Billingham. 137 Westbrook Rd.,
Feastwerville, PA 19053. 11 January 2000.
I looking for information about Transylvania Stewart
BLACKBURN. She was born in Kentucky abt. 1838. She married Thomas BLACKBURN (where ?) who was born in
England they lived in Trenton, Mercer County 1858? (about the date of their marriage) they had a couple
of children in Trenton then moved to Cannelton, Indiana. Transylvania died in Indiana abt 1925. Any
information on Transylvania or Thomas would be wonderful.
- Susan Blackburn O'Brien. 23 October 2000.
BRACE, William Henry born 1830 St. Johns, Nfld. and arrived
in Trenton about 1854. He was the first principal of Trenton High School when it was located on Academy
St. Seeking information on his parents Richard BRACE and Mary STARES who also immigrated from
Newfoundland in the mid-1800's together with his siblings, Frederick, Robert J., Geroge Alexander, Sarah
Ward, Alfred Stares and Mary Ann. All of this family are buried in Riverview Cemetery, Trenton.
Stu Anderson. 22 February 2000.
Looking for my cousin, Lenore BRADY (married name
unknown). Haven't seen her since the 1960's. Lenore is the daughter of the late George and Emma KRAEMER
BRADY. Lenore and her husband had three children, Anna Marie, Vickie and Donna. Lenore and her parents
lived in the Broad & Liberty Street area of Trenton, Mercer County, NJ. in the 1940's. Any information at
all would really be appreciated. Thank you.
- J. F. (Chubby) Kraemer. 1685 Portola Avenue, Livermore, CA 94550. 17 March
information about the BRESCIO family. Domenico BRESCIO and Rose GENTILI, his wife were both born in
Italy, but I'm not sure where. They had a son, Pasquale BRESCIO, who married Angelina CARLUCCI in 1928.
They lived at 113 Whittaker St in Trenton. They died very young, both were age 29, both are buried at
Our Lady of Lourdes Cemetery. They had three children, one died in 1935 at only 6 days old. I'm trying
to find out any information about Domenico BRESCIO and Rose GENTILI. Where they are from if they had any
brothers or sisters. I'm also researching and have information on the following surnames as well:
came from San Fele in Italy and married. They settled in South Trenton, on the 400 block of Lamberton
St. The PALUMBO's and the CARLUCCI's lived in the Chambersburg section in Trenton, specifically on
Washington and Elmer St. Any information whould be greatly appreciated and I would be more then happy to
share any information I have with you.
- Mario James Brescio. 4 January 2000.
BRIGGMAN - Grandparents and great grandparents from
Princeton Township, Mercer County, also Lawrenceville, Mercer County. GERNHARDT - Grandparents from
Hamilton Twp., Mercer County.
- Geraldine Marie (Briggman) Beard. 16 November 2000.
BROADHURST, Joseph, lived on State St, Trenton. His house
was where the Presbyterian Church is now, and his grave marker is supposedly still there.
- David
Eyre. Webpage: 31 October 2000.
Richard BURT III, >Richard BURT IV, >John BURT, >Moses BURT.
Richard BURT III was born 21 June 1663 in Taunton,Bristol Co., MA. He died before 6 August 1707 in
Maidenhead (Lawrence) Twp., Mercer Co., NJ. Richard BURT IV was born about 1700 in Maidenhead (Lawrence)
Twp., Mercer Co., NJ. He died before 10 March 1777. John BURT was born about 1720 probably in
Maidenhead (Lawrence) Twp., Mercer Co., NJ. Moses BURT was born 14 April 1771 probably in Mercer Co.,
NJ. He married Lovicy WESTCOTT in Cumberland Co., NJ. They moved from Cumberland Co., NJ to Pittsgrove
Twp., Salem Co., NJ where they kept a tavern at the Pole. Any information on this family will be greatly
appreciated, especially confirmation that Moses was the son of John or if he was not the son of John then
who his father was. Thanks to all.
- Melvin L. Burt. Mburtintn@AOL.COM. Permanent Address: 1156 Double Bridge Road,
Brighton, TN 38011. Winter address: HCR 3 BOX 45C, Del Rio, Texas 78840 (I am here, at this time.). 16
October 2000.
CARNIGLIA, Rosa Cavanna; CARNIGLIA, Faustino. My great-great
grandparents lived in Hopewell ca. 1930's. Faustino died in 1935 and is buried at St. Alphonsus. Rosa
was still alive at the time of his death, but I don't know if she stayed in the Hopewell area or moved
elsewhere in NJ. St. Alphonsus has no record of her at their cemetery. Hoping someone might be able to
- D. Mooneyham. 25 September 2000.
Can someone tell me where I can find more information about
this John CHAMBERLAIN mentioned as a Revolutionary solider in these articles? I have personal
information that my John CHAMBERLAIN (5x great) was captured by the British and put aboard a British
Prisononer of War ship at the Battle of Brandywine in Delaware bay. I have a personal account story of it
from an ancestor that wrote a story in 1855. I believe this John was the one I am looking for. He later
went on to m. an Elenor KINNAN and they may have moved to Sussex Co, NJ where his son John met and
married Mary LITTLE or LITTELL of Newton, NJ. in 1810. I would like to obtain this article from
Harper's... How might I go about getting a copy? Does anyone know? Thanks for any help on this!! _First
Settlers of Ye Plantations of Piscataway and Woodsridge Olde East New Jersey_ part 5 pg 776.
"Revolutionary Soldiers of New Jersey Sufferers at the Hands of the British and Tories, Middlesex Co., N.
J. 1776-1782". "In a very interesting article in Harper's Magazine for July, 1874, by Charles D.
Deshler, 'A Glimpse of Seventy-Six'." Index to the names mentioned in the article: John Dennis, wealthy
and patriotic merchant; other names mentioned, Thomas Edgar, Hiram Frazee, Thomas Force, Phineas
Randolph, Justus Dunn, Moses Bloomfield, of Woodbridge, private soldier; Cornelius Baker of the same
place; Isaac Cotheal of Woodbridge; John Chamberlain, "Esquire," of Windsor, (a township in which
Princeton is situate), private in the militia; "John Conger, Esquire, of Woodbridge", private in the
militia; Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Deare (query Dare?) of Princeton, lawyer, Benjamin Dunn of
Piscataway, private in the militia; John Flatt of Woodbridge; William French of Piscataway, militia man;
Henry Guest of New Brunswick, tanner; David Harriot, of the Middlesex militia, private; John Hampton,
"ensign in the patriot army"; Colonel Jacob Hyer, of Princeton. _First Settlers of Ye Plantations of
Piscataway and Woodbridge Olde East New Jersey_ part 4, "List of the Freeholders of Middlesex Ccounty, N.
J. William Deare, Sheriff December 14th, 1752", New Jersey Historical Society 3rd Series--Vol. I p.
103-109, 1. Amboy. 2. Woodbridge. 3. Piscataway. 4. New Brunswick. 5. New Windsor. Copied by President
Austin Scott, Ph.D., of Rutgers College, from the original on file in the Supreme Court, at Trenton. New
Windsor, Henry Chaimberlain, Richard Chamberlain, John Chamberlain.
- Penny Kresl. Penny's Genealogy:
Delavan, WI. 18 May 2000.
Searching for information on Arthur & Jane CLARKE, Genosee
Street, Trenton NJ, 1921. Arthur (a twin) born Liverpool, UK 1852. Had one daughter Eveline married to
Robert ? and had one son Arthur (17) and living just outside Trenton in Yardsville in 1921. Anyone
information would be greatly appreciated.
- Lesley Clarke. 2 October 2000.
CLENDENIN, Isaac - Princeton/ Mercer County. Requesting
info/data on my forefathers starting with CLENDENIN, Isaac.
- Joel Clendening. 29 September 2000.
CLINTON, Joseph, Jr. - seeking parents of - born in Trenton in
- E. DeWitt Williams.
13 June 2000.
Looking for family of Violet COHEE,
found in the 1920 City Directory of Trenton, N.J. as the widow of Ernest
COHEE, living at 1029 Brunswick Ave. Also living at same address is
Russell COHEE, steelchecker. I believe Violet maybe my gg-grandmother
Harriett SKINNER TRIAY's sister, who lived in New Orleans. There are two
other COHEEs in this same city directory, Anna COHEE, widow of Lemuel G.,
130 Mercer St., and Sara E. COHEE, 280 Spring. Are they all related and
how? Thanks.
- Sally E. Viada. 25 May 2000.
Looking for any help with the name COHEE. Violet
COHEE is found on the 1920 census and city directory of Trenton, Mercer
County, New Jersey. I am almost positive she is the sister of my
gg-grandmother. My gg-grandmother was Harriot Skinner TRIAY who died 1945
in New Orleans. In her obit it mentions Violet as her sister, and Trenton
papers please copy. Violet had 2 known children Russll COHEE, bn 1900 in
Pa., and Ruth COHEE bn ca 1911. looking for Violet's obit, maybe 1940s.
- Sally Viada. 19 July 2000.
Looking for information on Adaline H. COMPTON of
Princeton, New Jersey, and David S. SERVIS also of Princeton.
- Robert L. Parke. 25 April 2000.
Seeking information on the CONNER family. Eli CONNER was born 03
May 1828 in Hopewell NJ. At the time of his birth, though, Hopewell was a part of Hunterdon County. Eli
married Henrietta Phoebe WYCKOFF 04 February 1851. Henrietta WYCKOFF was born 19 April 1831. All of this
to ask. Who were Eli CONNER's parents? Who were his siblings?
- Dan Conner. 1830 North 159th St., Omaha, NE 68118.
(402)445-2378. 21 February 2000.
Looking for information on John J. CONROY, WWI veteran who died in
Florida during a hurricane in 1935 and listed Trenton as his hometown.
- Robert Bass. 26 May 2000.
I am looking for the names (and birth dates) of Smith CORNELL's
children. Smith was born in Hopewell, NJ about 1712, one of the sons of William CORNELL. I am also
looking for directions to the CORNELL Burying Ground; it's not marked on any map of the area. Thank
- Rita. 21 August 2000.
Trying to find any information on a COX family that settled in the
Jersery Settlement, North Carolina, with relatives of COXEs in Hopewell Township, Hunterdon County, New
Jersey (now Mercer County). A widow named Sarah COX (husband Moses) came from New Jersey to Rowan
County, NC about 1750 with two sons named Israel (born 1736) and Moses. Does anyone know the names of
relatives of Col. COXE of "The Coxe Affire"? (spouse, sons, brothers etc.) Also looking for information
on Sarah's husband Moses COX in this same time frame.
- Marilyn Cox. 14 November 2000.
Searching for the family of my Great Great
Grandfather, James Allen DAVIS and his wife Charlotte KIRBY. James Allen DAVIS was born in New Jersey in
about 1820 - possibly in Mercer County. His father's name was most probably John DAVIS and his mother's
first name was Ann. Her maiden name might have been STEWART or she may have remarried a man named
STEWART. Based on James' birth date, his parents would have been married between 1800 and 1820. James
left New Jersey for Champaign County, Ohio sometime prior to 1840. It is assumed that his parents (if
still alive) and siblings (if any) remained in New Jersey. Once in Ohio, James initially lived with and
possibly traveled to Ohio with his uncle, also named James DAVIS (born 1778 in New Jersey), an Aunt named
Britania DAVIS (born 1790 New Jersey), and Britania's son Thomas DAVIS (born 1820 New Jersey.). In 1847,
James Allen DAVIS married Charlotte KIRBY. It is believed that the KIRBYs came from the same area in New
Jersey as the DAVIS family and may have traveled west with them. Charlotte's father was Joel KIRBY born
1802 in New Jersey. His wife's first name was Hannah. Her maiden name was possibly BUSSER with her
mother's first name also possibly being Hannah born 1780 in New Jersey. Joel and Hannah KIRBY had 7
children among them, Charlotte, Elizibeth, and Olivia. All of these children may have been born in New
Jersey. Thank you.
- Martin Stewart. 19
July 2000.
Please help me find information about Olive
Pearl DAVISON who married Adelard BEAULIEU. They lived in Dutch Neck, New Jersey sometime in the 1920s
and perhaps sooner. Their offspring was William Randolph BEAULIEU, Adelard Alfred BEAULIEU, John
Matheson BEAULIEU, Russell Raymond BEAULIEU, Netta Mae BEAULIEU, and Edith Pearl BEAULIEU. Olive's
parents were Daniel D. DAVISON and he married Ida BARLOW. I know not where. Thanks for any assistance
you can give. I'm lost in this attempt to learn something about the family. They lived in Hightstown,
New Jersey beginning in the 1930s. Hightstown is in Mercer County.
- Russell R. Beaulieu. 197 Cranbury, NJ 08512. 18 September 2000.
DONAGHUE, James, and RANDOW, Wilhelmina (Minnie).
Looking for any info on the above. They were married in Mercer Co. (allegedly) in 1879. Wilhelmina RANDOW
was born in 1861 in NJ (per 1900 census), but no record could be found of her birth. James DONAGHUE was
born in England (per 1900 Census). They were living on Dickinson street in Trenton per the 1900 census. I
have not been able to find any information on them prior to this date. They are not listed in the 1880
Trenton City directory, but Wilhelmina RANDOW was listed in the 1920 directory as a widow. If anyone has
run across them prior to 1900, please let me know. Sincerely,
- Paul Panarisi. 26 January 2000.
Sarah Coleman DOUDNEY died in childbirth 26 June 1843 in Trenton, Mercer, NJ. Her husband was John DOUDNEY. He died in 1867, location unsure. I would appreciate any information about Sarah Coleman DOUDNEY, including her parents, siblings, place of burial, as well as place of burial for her husband. The children of John and Sarah were William, Ann, David, Martha, Charles, Mary, and John.
- Virginia Doudney Chastain. 26 April 2000.
Seeking any information on a Samuel DRAGE who lived in Trenton area
early part of 20th century. Thank you.
- Stephen Morochnick. 22 March 2000.
D'UNGER, Barnett G., was born in PA abt. 1824, believe wife's
name was Mabel, died in 1902. He moved to Trenton abt 1859. Owned D'Unger & Son Co. Died in Trenton in
1902. Had sons named Willis and Elwood. Willis D'UNGER had son named Albert born in 1872 who was a
lawyer; and daughters Marie b. 1879 and Esamelda b. 1883.
- Geraldine D. McGloin. 25 September 2000.
Hi. My name is Godfrey EARDLEY and I am trying to find the birth
record of my grandfather Harry EARDLEY born 19 Aug 1872 . I have tried all the sources I know and have no
results . The census I have found say that he was born in NJ . I was always told that it was Trenton. In
1881 Trenton City directory at 113 Butler, Chambg. Father died in 1889 and in 1900 Mother was at 104
Division. Thank you for any help you can give me.
- Godfrey Eardley. 4 August 2000.
I am trying to locate EDDY's, BOYLE, and KEENAN
families. Mercer County, N.J., perhaps Princeton or Trenton. Thank you for any help.
- Vernon
Foster. 26 May 2000.
My name is Kimberly Griffiths. I'm searching for 3 women that
lived in Mercer County between 1936 - 1942. These women I believe to be sisters of my great grandmother.
They were from Palanka, Batschka, Yugoslavia (Syrmien). Their names were Anna ESSERT m. Victor CHERRY,
Eva ESSERT m. Josef SCHEPPE, and Elisabeth ESSERT m. Johann HIEL. This is the only information that I
have on them. If this is familiar to anyone, please write. Thanks.
- Kimberly Griffiths. 10 October 2000.
Looking for information on my gggggrandfather, publisher Daniel
FENTON of Trenton. He was born 1775 and died in Trenton Feb. 14, 1845. Where is he burried? Who were
his parents? His wife was Margaret. When and where married? Where was she from? Thanks, thanks for
any information!
- Tom Jones. 22 March
I am trying to find information of Isaac FENTON and Louisa
Levering FENTON. They lived in Mercer County most, if not all their lives. I am trying to find their
parents names. They married about 1900 and had two living children. Isaac died about 1913 and about 1916
Louisa remarried and moved to Pennsylvania. Anything on either would be welcome. Thank you.
- Louise
Pletcher. 21 August
FIELD, Thomas Miller, Hightstown, Mercer County; Joseph FIELD of
same. Contact:
- Bonnie Field. 19 April
FLANAGAN, John Thomas. Superintendent Broad St Bank Bldg, h 879
Stuyvesant Avenue, Trenton, in 1920. I am his grandson and am trying to obtain as much information on my
grandfather as possible. TIA.
- John Thomas Flanagan 3rd. 30 October 2000.
I am
looking for the town in Donegal, Ireland where my father's mother Bridget MCLAUGHLIN emigrated to
Trenton, NJ. My father Albert FOXALL referred to Mary DUNPHY as his aunt and Albert Edward MICKLEWRIGHT,
architect as his cousin. I am not sure which side of my father's family the MICKLEWRIGHT's are related? I
only remember that Mary DUNPHY was living and my grandmother lived with her family? when she came
from Ireland. My father's sisters were Jane Foxall WALKER and moved to California. His other sister was
Theresa Foxall CARTLIDGE. My DUNPHY lived on Dickerson St. (spelling?) in Trenton. Her wake was in
Bordentown, NJ approx early 80's she was 90. I would appreciate any information.
- Zartle. ZARTLE@AOL.COM. 17 February 2000.
Dear Mercer County Residents, I would like to hire someone to
go to the NJ State Archives in Trenton and make copies of very specific references to the FRANCISCO
family. If you are interested please contact me.
- Tammy A. Mansfield. 11 February 2000.
I'm looking for info on the FRISK surname. My father's parents
emigrated to the Trenton, NJ area from Sweden in the very early 1900's. My father's name was Edwin
Renaldo Fritzjaf FRISK. He was born in 1911. I think his father's name was Andrew. Any help you can give
me would be greatly appreciated and I thank you in advance.
- Clara Johnson. 18 January 2000.
My inquiry concerns the surname: GEARY or O'GEARY. I am
looking for the relatives of Nicholas J. GEARY born in Trenton, New Jersey in 1867. Thank you for any
information you can provide to me.
- Patricia A. Folsom. PnDnSaksy@Prodigy.Net. 21 August 2000.
Robert & Anna GEROFSKY arrived Trenton, N.J. in the
early 1880's or 1890's, settled and had the following children. David b. 1889, Leah b. 1891 m.
SAPERSTEIN, Stella b. 1893 m. SLATER, Mamie b. 1895 m. Morris TREBELL, Frank b. 1898, Minnie b. 1900 m.
Meyer LEVINE, and Aaron b. 1904 m. Mary Madge HODGES.
- Sharleen Charles. 17 November 2000.
Rabbi Israel BULITSKY and his wife Bessie GERTZMAN
BULITSKY came to Trenton in the 1890's. They were one of the first permanent Jewish settlers in Trenton.
They had three children, Rae, my grandmother, Joseph and Isaac. Israel died in 1921, Bessie died in
1939. Rae died in 1970, Joe 1962, Isaac 1978. Isaac's wife, Lillian BULITSKY, is still alive at 102 and
lives in the Greenwood House off of Lower Ferry Road. Rae had two sons, Jonas DEITZ, my father, who was a
Trenton optometrist for many years, passing away in 1981, and Morton, my uncle, who is still alive at 79
and splits his time between Florida and Trenton. I have contacted two of Joe's three children. Ike and
Lillian had no children.
- Kenneth Deitz. 5
February 2000.
I am seeking information on the family of Dudley GRAY and his wife,
Mary. In the 1880 census, they were listed as living on Witherspoon Street in Princeton. Three of their
children were listed as living with them at that time: Jane, born about 1860; James, born about 1862; and
Sarah, born about 1864. Three grandchildren were also living with them. I have been unable to trace them
in Mercer County before 1880, although three older children were married in Trenton and Princeton in the
late 1860s and early 1870s. Catherine GRAY married James HOGARTY in 1868. Luke GRAY married Anna HOGARTY
in 1869. Winifred GRAY married Francis GILL in 1874. I look forward to corresponding with anyone
researching this family.
- Ellie Lynch.
2 November 2000.
Looking for info Rose Clair GRETTON (TRAVERS) died 1957.
Married to Charles T. GRETTON. Children Charles (1917), Grace, and Michael. Resided Trenton.
Chuck and Lynn Gretton. 3 April 2000.
I am fairly new to the Genealogy research. I am looking
for any information on the family of PAULING, Mary E. married HANFORD, Charles who had 7 children:
HANFORD, Margaret, HANFORD-DONOVAN, Katherine, married DONOVAN, Andrew, HANFORD, Gerald married Anna ?,
HANFORD, Henry Pauling, married BROWN, Louise, HANFORD, William married Emma ?, HANFORD, James married
Faith ? born in Scotland, HANFORD, Charles married REED, Matilda had a nephew named REED, Jack. All
HANFORDs (HANDFORDs) are deceased. They all resided in Mercer County, in the city of Trenton and
surrounding areas. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
- June Ann
Hanford-Kealey. JE5956@AOL.COM. 30 January 2000.
HANKINS, Michael Wade, Trenton, Mercer Co., New Jersey, born 6
Oct 1906. Looking for Parents Agnes KELLY Mother, Edward or Nathan HANKINS Father.
- Ron Hankins. 1 December 2000.
Jacob HENDRICKSON, b. March
15, 1744, Nottingham Township, Burlington County, now Mercer County, d. Aug. 15, 1810, Upper Freehold
Township, Monmouth County. Married Elizabth MOUNT, daughter of Michael MOUNT and Mary FORMAN, May 2,
1771. Seven children, Michael, Daniel, Jacob, Forman, Mary, Hannah and Elizabeth. Michael is my
ancestor. Born 1776, Died 1811, Married Sarah HORSFUL. Both buried at Old Yellow Meeting House Cemetery,
Imlaystown, N.J. Their five children were Richard, Charles E., Elizabeth, Jacob and Michael. Jacob is
my ancestor - b. July 19, 1806, Imlaystown, N.J. m. Mary Martha DAVIS, Aug. 11, 1831. Their six children
were, Sarah E., Samuel Davis, William, Maryetta, Charles Elvin and Jacob Conover. William was my
grandfather. My bottom line is that I would like to locate any information regarding my ancestors
siblings who were all born in New Jersey.
- Bette W. Harrison. 20 January 2000.
Looking for information on HENRY. Charles A. HENRY born 1891, died
1954, lived on Melrose Ave. Trenton, Mercer County, NJ. Believed to have also previously lived on Centre
St. Also looking for information on his wife Anna M. HENRY (maiden name ZIEGLER), born 1895, died 1964,
lived on Melrose Ave, and believed to have also previously lived on Klagg Ave. Both are buried in Our
Lady of Lourdes Cemetery, Trenton, Mercer County, NJ. They had three sons, Charles HENRY (deceased), John
HENRY (deceased) and Donald J. HENRY, Sr. (my father-currently 73 years old). Charles A. HENRY and Anna
M. (ZIEGLER) HENRY were my grandparents, and both were of Irish/German ancestry. I am trying to gather
information on them and hopefully their respective parents as well, in an effort to trace back the HENRY
family genealogy. Any information is greatly appreciated.
- Donald J. Henry, Jr. 18 January 2000.
Looking for information on the parentage of Gershom
HERRON, born in Hopewell Township, Hunterdon Co., now Mercer Co., on 6 May 1752. He married Hannah
BRINSON. Their daughter Susan was born in Hopewell in 1776. Susan married Benjamin ANDERSON, son of
Joseph and Hannah. Another daughter, Sarah HERRON married Benjamin SMITH, son of Benjamin and Sarah
SMITH, also from Hopewell. A preponderance of evidence leads me to believe that Gershom HERRON and his brother John HERRON were the sons of Edmund HERRIN, who had a son named ISAAC. Edmund HERRIN was the son of Isaac HERRIN, the first Town Clerk of Hopewell, who died in 1756.
- Jack Donahue. 26 June 2000.
I am seeking information on the HOGARTY family. The 1857 Trenton
City Directory had John HOGARTY listed as being a boatman, who resided on Feeder Street. His wife's name
was Mary. Their daughter, Anna, was my great grandmother. They were also the parents of John, Jr.
George, Henry and Eddie. Any information about them or their descendants would be appreciated.
Ellie Lynch. 11 April 2000.
Need information on Marshall C. HOLMES, living in Trenton, NJ
1840- ??. His first wife Sophia BURKE, d. August 10, 1854, had daughter Harriet. He was a pharmacist.
He later married a Clementina and had children Elverta and Marshall. Thank you.
- Ruby Egnew. 5 February 2000.
I would like information on Marshall C. HOLMES, b. 1812, m. 1) Sophia BURKE in
Stamford, Bennington Co., VT 28 Nov 1833, m. , 2 Clementina ?. He was a pharmacist in Trenton 1850-1860.
Who were the parents of Marshall HOLMES and Sophia BURKE? I believe there is an article about him in New
Jersey Biographies, Vol. 15. Will gladly pay for nominal fee for lookup and copies. Many thanks.
Ruby Egnew. 24 July 2000.
Hopewell Presbyterian Church History:
Does anyone have access to "History of the
Presbyterian Church of Hopewell, NJ" by Rev. George Hale?
- T. Grant Maple. 3 September 2000.
HOWELL's of Trenton. I am hoping that someone might be able to
fill in my gaps! I have sketchy information about 3 brothers named John, Howard, and Daniel HOWELL that
were "extensive landholders in NJ" and who came here with William Penn in the late 1600's. One of these
brothers had a ggrandson named John. My info comes from my ggggrandfather Dr. Memucan HOWELL's obituary
of 1819. Of course, that obit might not be absolutely accurate. It states that "Dr. Memucan HOWELL's
father was, John, from the Trenton NJ area. John HOWELL's ggrandfather was either Daniel, John, or
Howard." The obit also says that Memucan went to Princeton and was a surgeon in the War of 1812.
(Princeton can't seem to locate Memucan in their records.) I don't know how to go backwards from Memucan
since I can't seem to find his birth place in New Jersey. Does any of my info dovetail with yours? Any
help would be appreciated. Thank you.
- Kim Haigis. 14 March 2000.
Listed in the 1850 census of Hamilton Township, Mercer Co., NJ
was a Charles HUGHES who had married Sarah SCHOOLEY. I need to find the name of Charles parents. Have
any of you found any information on this family?
- Beryldean Groom Hubbard. 19 July 2000.
HUMPHREY, John, b May 21, 1798 in Hopewell, Mercer County, N.J.
I am searching for his parents. There is a John HUMPHREY b. Hopewell April 10, 1777. Could this be his
- Jeff and Sandy McGinn. 19 June
Looking for any information about John
HUSHING, Julia HUSHING or Mary Ann HUSHING, who married Ezekiel ROBBINS/ROBINS/ROBINSON in Hightstown,
Mercer County. Mary Ann was born between 1843 and 1848 in New York City. Family legend has all HUSHINGs
moving to Hightstown after 1850. Best guess for Mary Ann's marriage would be 1859-1870. Thank you.
J. E. Hushing. 2 February 2000.
Need information on Perino/Perrino JORDAN, who
married Jennie STERNE on 15 June 1886 in Atlanta, Fulton, GA. In 1920 this couple, aged 53, appears on
the census of Trenton, Mercer County, NJ, with their daughter Ruth, son-in-law, Fred ROTH, and
granddaughters Catherine and Doris. Perrino JORDAN's occupation is listed as electrician with the
telephone co. Did they have other children? When did they die? Where are they buried? I am interested in
finding any descendants of this couple. Some of the family resided in Bound Brook, Somerset County, NJ,
in the 1940s. I am compiling information on her parents, Henry and Fannie STERNE. Thanks for any
- Kathy Sterne. 3402 Candleway
Dr., Spring, TX 77388. 30 Jan 2000.
I am looking for information on Thomas JOY and his family who
lived in Groveville, Mercer Co. NJ. Thomas W. JOY was born in 1827 and married Sarah Jane (WILLIAMS)
JOY. They had the following children: Thomas W. Jr. (b.1862), Sarah A. (b.1864), Peter (b.1867),
Victoria (b.1868), Ida H. (b.1871), Nathaniel P. (b.1874), Henry L. (b. 1876), John L. (b.1881) & Ruth G.
(b.1883). Thomas died in 1905 and Sarah in 1912. Peter (my Great Grandfather) married Lillian M.
CARNEY. If anyone has a connection to this family - please contact me. Thanks!
- Georgeann Reed. 5654 State Route 26, Rome, NY 13440. 21
August 2000.
Seeking information on James Vreeland KELSEY, born 1797, Trenton,
New Jersey, Mercer County, the son of Daniel KELSEY and Sally VREELAND. James married Margaret GRAHAM,
born 1799 New Brunswick, New Jersey, the daughter of William GRAHAM and Polly LONGSTREET.
- Jo Etta
Whiles. 21 July 2000.
Ruth KERN and William ULYSSES had a daughter, Sarah Elizabeth ULYSSES born 1851 in New Jersey, (Mercer County or Warren County). She married William Charles? RITTER (William RITTER's middle name may not have been Charles). He was born in 1837 in New Jersey. His son, William, was born in 1869 in Easton. Any information on this family will be most welcome.
- Lillie Barnes. 7 August 2000.
I am trying to help my daughter trace her irish ancestry. She is
the grand-daughter of Alyce L. KNIFFEN, born in 1926 in or around Trenton, New Jersey, Mercer County.
Alyce L. KNIFFEN was one of thirteen children and was given up for adoption to the Sisters of Mercy by
her original biological parents who were Irish Imigrants. She was adopted by Leland and Aima KNIFFEN in
1927 or 1928. We would appreciate any information that could lead to, or how to go about finding,
unsealed records of Alyce KNIFFEN'S original irish biological parents and their identities.
Laurence and Alyce White, parents of Lauren White. LARRYALYCE@AOL.COM. 19 June 2000.
I am looking for info: re; parents of Edward A. LANGLEY (b.
7/11/1911 in Trenton NJ) to Clarence E. LANGLEY (b. abt 1877-1878) and Catherine J. LANGLEY (nee CALLAHAN
- E. J. Langley. 10 April 2000.
I am looking for information about Nathaniel LANNING b. June 2,
1775 in Lawrenceville, Hunterdon, NJ, d. Jan. 25, 1845 in Trenton, Mercer Co., NJ, and his wife Mary
HOWELL b. Sept. 2, 1788, d. May 5, 1840 in Ewing, NJ. They were married in 1820. I need to verify the
dates of their births and deaths and marriage. There is a problem because their son Nathaniel LANNING
Jr. was born in 1790 and that would make them too young to be his parents. I wonder if I have the wrong
parents or the wrong dates? I also need to know if Nathaniel Jr. was married twice, first to Harriet
GUSTIN and then to Elizabeth STULTS/STULTS. Nathaniel and Elizabeth were my,
married on Mar. 29, 1812 in Middlesex, NJ. If anyone has information about these LANNINGs, I would
appreciate anything you have that would help me get this problem solved. Thank you.
- Jane Meyer. 2316 Westwind Dr., Sandusky, OH 44870. 6
November 2000.
I am looking for
information about my husbands ancestors James Ewing LEIGH and Catherine
Voorhees VAN DOREN. My husbands great grandfather, Abraham Van Doren
LEIGH and wife, Anna Eliza WALTON,,moved to Greensboro, NC from Dutch
Neck, NJ and are buried in Greensboro.
- Rebecca Borum. 11 September 2000.
I would like to exchange information with anyone researching
surname LEONARD in Mercer County, NJ, namely Nathaniel, Thomas, and Samuel LEONARD b. 3Mar1755; d.
26Jan1813 in Princeton. Samuel's wife was Abigail or Sofia. Samuel LEONARD had a son Thomas LEONARD b.
1780 who moved to Mifflin County, PA, now Juniata County.
- Jonathan Wert. 4 March 2000.
Looking for info. on my great-grandmother Mary LESNER. May also
be spelled LESSNER or LEASNER. The name is Polish and may have originally been LESNIAK. Born in Trenton,
NJ. Father's name was Simon. She married German immigrant John TUK and had 9 children: Joseph, Jacob,
Raymond, Edward, Vincent, Frank, Leona (MYLANT), Helen (BULEBOSH), and a stillborn girl named Tessie or
Jessie. Mary's last known residence was Westmoreland County, PA. Any information would be greatly
- Bonnie Rieber. 12
December 2000.
Cecelia LEVERING b. 16 Dec 1860 at Lawrence Twp., Mercer County,
New Jersey. Her father is Thomas LEVERING. I need help finding her mother, siblings and grandparents. I
would appreciate anything you may have to help. Thank you.
- Louise Pletcher. 13 June 2000.
Searching for Louisa LEVERING from Mercer County, NJ. She was born abt 1880 and
married Isaac FENTON abt 1900. They had two children, Harry Allen born 1902 and Mabel Shirley born 1911.
I will appreciate any information you can share with me. They are my grandparents. Thank you.
Louise Pletcher. 11
August 2000.
Seeking information on a Samuel LEVY who lived in Trenton area early
part of 20th century.
- Stephen Morochnick. 22 March 2000.
LINDABURY, All references to this name in Mercer Co.
- Ron
Lindabury. 18 July 2000.
I am looking for the
parents of Gershom LOVELACE (Sr.) b. March 28 1757 in Burlington Co. He
did 19 January 1844 and is buried in the Hamilton Square Baptist Church,
Hamilton Square NJ. I am looking for the wife of Gershom LOVELESS (Jr) b.
1797 in Hamilton Twp NJ. Is anybody out there related.
- Beth
Knittle. or PO Box
1087, South Wellfleet, MA 02663. Phone: (508) 349-0524. 7 August 2000
Alfred E. LOVETT was born in Trenton on 24
Nov. 1853. His parents were William and Ann LOVETT. He married Ella A. WILSON, who was born in PA in
1854. According to the 1880 Census Index, they were living at 260 Clay St. in Trenton at that time with
two children, Rebecca E. (b. 1874) and Jacob R. (b. 1876). I am seeking any information regarding the
maiden name of Alfred's mother and also any information on any descendants of Jacob. I descend from
Rebecca, who married William E. CHRISTIAN in Trenton on 25 April 1894. Rebecca died in Ewing Township on
18 Jan. 1935 and is buried in Ewing Cemetery.
- Paul C. Christian. 4 Louise St., Saco, ME 04072. 4
December 2000.
I amm searching for any information on my Grandfather.
He came to America from Italy. His name was Pampino LUBICIANI. He came to Ellis Island around 1897. He
lived in the Trenton area and married my Grandmother Benedetta D'AMICO on Jan. 12, 1919. He has passed
away and I'm trying to find out information for my father Pat UDIJOHN. He lives in the Trenton area now.
Any help any one can give me will be appreciated. Thank you!
- Terri Fox. 18 September 2000.
My great, great grandparents were Patrick and Ann (or
Anna) MAGUIRE (McGUIRE). They immigrated to the USA in 1853 with infant son John (born in Ireland Oct,
1852) and possibly a sister. I have no information regarding where they came from or where they landed.
Oral information mentions mother, daughter and son John in Philidelphia somewhere between 1853 and 1862.
John emerges in Trenton, NJ at age 10 (unknown if he was with the rest of the family) according to his
police department employment records. He was an officer in the Trenton Police Department from Jan 20,
1887 to June 4, 1909. Previous jobs were iron worker, street car conductor and canal boatman. He was
married to Mary Ellen GANNON on Jan 13, 1875 in Trenton, NJ. They had 5 surviving children - Thomas,
John, Joseph, Mary, and Edward. Despite many efforts I have been unable to fill in the gaps and most
importantly find out where they were from in Ireland. My hunch is that they were married in Ireland
somewhere between 1848 and 1852. Family oral information indicates they were from "Northern Ireland". If
any of this sounds familiar to you please drop me a line. Many thanks.
- John Maguire. 1011 N. 12th. St., Fairfield, Iowa 52556. 21
August 2000.
Looking for information on Charles MALLET. Last known to be
living in the Trenton, New Jersey area. Born in Washington, DC. in the late 1800's, only surviving son
of Major J. Edmound MALLET, of Washington DC. Please contact:
- William L. Young. 17 April 2000.
Seeking information about my great grandmother, Elizabeth V.
Hayes Nichols MANSELL who was the administrator of the State Home for Wayward Girls in Trenton circa
1920. Would like information on the State Home and/or on Elizabeth V. Hayes Nichols MANSELL. Thank
- Anne Moodey. 31 October 2000.
I have a death certificate for Frank Joseph MARA born 22 Nov 1883, died 1 Aug 1924 in
Ewing Township, Mercer Co., NJ. Anyone connected with this family may contact me with additional
information and I will return the death certificate to you. It has James MARA's wife and parents
information on it.
- Dorothy Ward. 5 February 2000.
Looking for info about Stefen MARTIN, formerly from Roosevelt,
Monmouth County, New Jersey. He is listed as informant on Thelma MARTIN 's death certificate. Thelma died
in Trenton, Mercer County on 12 Feb 1969. Thank you.
- Deanna Hester. 4 March 2000.
I am looking for information on the MCCAFFREY family originally
from Philadelphia, PA. There were 14 siblings the oldest Helen MCCAFFREY and the youngest Harry
MCCAFFREY. I believe that some of the siblings may have moved to Trenton, NJ.
- Diana Wakefield. 11 April 2000.
I am researching John MCCLASKEY who married a Maria or
Mariah OTIS. They both lived in Mercer County, NJ. John fought in the Civil War. They were married in
1861. Any info appreciated. Thank you.
- Lenore Dickinson. 14 August 2000.
Mercer Inheritance:
I am looking for information about the Mercer Inheritance (In 1931).
Who were the heirs? Does anyone have a list of descendants of the original heir? All I know is that the
Duke of York gave the land grant in approx. 1683. It lasted for a period of 248 years. I understand that
when all the heirs were finally tracked down and everything settled the only ones who got any money were
the trustees and the lawyers. Thanks.
- Beth Triplat. 3 November 2000.
Looking for Willis and Kiseann MILLER. I am looking for my
GGGGrandparents. They had a son, Ichabod Thomas Gordon MILLER b. March 23,1812. Willis and Kiseann (sp?)
were married on January 12, 1811 in New Jersey, and ITG was also born in New Jersey (Hunterdon/Mercer
County area). I found some information on them in Dearborn County, Indiana (1841), where they purchased
land. ITG lived all his adult life in Washington County, Indiana. I have all the decendents from ITG to
current. These people were Presbyterians and also decended from Ireland. They were friends of the
GARDNERS, MCKNIGHTS, ROBISON families. Washington Co., IN is located in the southern part of Indiana in
Salem, IN. ITG was married four times. His second wife was Elizabeth CLARK (my GGGGrandmother). Any
information about Willis and his wife would be appreciated. Willis was born April 19, 1787. Thank
- Marsha Miller Smith. Scott
County Manager, Scottsburg, IN 47170. 28 April 2000.
Would like any information on
the Stephen MOORE - Parthenia YOUNG family of Pennington, Mercer Co.
Ancestors and descendants? Thank you.
- Laurel Smith. 1 September 2000.
I am seeking information about Samuel H. MORRELL and his wife,
Emeline/Evaline. They were in Mercer County approximately 1845-1850 along with their children, Samuel,
Mary Syble, Sarah Anna and Wilson. The important questions are as follows: What are the names of Samuel
H. MORRELL's parents and where were they from. What is Evaline's maiden name and her parents' names. When
and where did Sam and Emeline/Evaline MORRELL get married. What were the dates of birth of their
children, with the exception of Samuel who was born in Mercer Co. on 11-10-1848. I know Evaline died
8-24-1850 and is buried at Princessville Methodist Cemetery, Lawrence Township. Samuel remarried after
Evaline died and wife #2 was named Ann Elizabeth or Ann Isabell. I'd like to know her maiden name (it
may have been PYATTE or HUGHES) and when/where they were married. Their first child may have been
Edward/Edwin born 1852 in NJ. Thanks everyone.
- Melinda Mantor. 698 Tara Farms Dr., Middleburg, FL 32068. 21
December 2000.
I am looking for my biological grandparents, MORRIS. My dad was
born Charles Calvin MORRIS, on May 6, 1933 in Franklin Township, Hunterdon County, NJ. He was placed in
the New Jersey Childrens Home Society, at 471 Parkway Ave, Trenton, Mercer County, NJ. In the spring of
1935 he was taken by Albert & Ella DILKS to Pennsville, Salem County, NJ. On March 29, 1940, in the
Salem County Courts to was adopted by Albert & Ella DILKS. His mother was between 16-18 years old at the
time of birth, the father was a married man with 3 children and worked with the Railroad. I don't know
if the mother or father was the MORRIS. Nor do I know if they were from Hunterdon county or perhaps
Mercer since that is where my father was placed (the Childrens Home Society, in Trenton) if anyone can
help me locate my grandparents or a member of her family or his family it would be so much appreciated.
My father does not have a computer so that is another reason I have posting this query. He will be 67 in
May and I am also interested in my medical history, for the six kids that my parents have all have
medical problems that aren't on my mother's side. Like heart, diabetis, the most troubling. Thanking
all in advance.
- Debbie Dilks Orner. R.D. 1, Box 104, Frenchville, PA 16836. 20
January 2000.
Looking for information on the family of Francis (Frank) NACEL b.
Dec. 1, 1854 in Danzig, Germany and resided on Jersey Street in Trenton, NJ. Died Apr. 5, 1940.
Cheryl Natriello. 31 January
Looking for
information on the descendants of Martin NOLAN and Ann CONNOR who migrated to New Jersey in late 1848 to
early 1850's from Ireland. They first appeared in the 1857 Trenton City Directory and Martin was killed
in Trenton in 1859, leaving his wife with five small children who were all born in NJ. She established a
grocery business on the corner of Pennington and Calhoun and this business remained in the family until
1977. The WAGNER's, SCHROTH's and BURDETTE's, HAGGERTY's and BOWIE's all married into the NOLAN family
and raised their large Irish Catholic families in Mercer County, predominantly Trenton.
- Lynn Nolan
Ashman. Naples, FL. Webpage: 24 February 2000.
Any info about William NORTON, married Henrietta HILLON. 1880
census shows she lived on Centre St., Mercer County. Any info before this would be greatfully
- Caroline Scholz. 19
December 2000.
O'CONNOR - family, reportedly from the Princeton area. Parents
names are unknown, but they had at least three children: Ellen, born February 1855; Anna, born June
1858, and Mary, birth date unknown. Ellen married a William D. BOYLE, Anna married John P. LEONARD, and
Mary married a man by the name of RAFFERTY. All three were married in Philadelphia in the mid-1880's to
early 1890's. I would sincerely appreciate any information you may have on this O'CONNOR family.
Jack Mellon. 23 October 2000.
OTIS ---- from Mercer Co., all born in Mercer Co. Searching for
info on Charles, Mary, Ann, Garrett, Jane, Jacob, Henry, Catherine, Maria. All children of Solomon, from
NH, and Sarah BOORHAM 1819-1842. Any info appreciated. Thank you.
- Lenore Dickinson. 19 June 2000.
I am desperately seeking info on a man named Stephen PAWLIK who
probably resided in or around the South Trenton area 1895-1896. He was probably Polish and approximately
25-35 yrs of age at the time. I have legitimate reason to believe that this man is my great grandfather.
However, he was not wed to my great grandmother, Frances SWIERK, who immigrated here from Zmigrod, Poland
(Galicia). I was told that he left the area around this time. Whereabouts unknown. Frances was a
member of Holy Cross Church. If anyone out there thinks that this man may be a descendant of theirs or
knows of any PAWLIKs in the area, please respond. I would sincerely appreciate any assistance in finding
this missing link of my family tree. Any info welcome.
- Carolyn Markulec Miller. 5 May 2000.
Seeking any info on parents of Mary Elma PERRINE or
PERINE, born 16 Dec 1799, reportedly near Cranbury, Middlesex, NJ. Her parents are thought to be William
PERRINE (b. cal. 1779?) and Nancy Ann DEY (b. 1771). On 24 May 1820, at Hightstown (now Mercer County)
NJ, Mary Elma PERINE married James Isaac DEY, who was born in Cranbury, NJ. I have absolutely no proof of
Mary's birthplace, and her parentage is circumstantial. She appears to have had a brother, Elisha, born
abt. 1806. If the above is correct, what is William PERRINE s pedigree?
- Tom Robertshaw. 10 April 2000.
We are searching for a lost classmate. Roxana PHILLIPS, whose
last-known address was 82 Valley Road, Princeton, Mercer Co., NJ, graduated from St. Mary's School,
Peekskill, New York in 1960. Her mother may have been named Theresa or Florence. Her classmates are
trying to contact her for a reunion in September. If anyone knows her whereabouts please contact:
Anne Simcox Headley. 6510 41st Ave.,
University Park, MD 20782; 301-927-5480. 19 June 2000.
I am looking for information regarding my grandfather,
Albert Alfred PIERCE, who was abandoned at the Trenton, New Jersey Children's Home Society in 1907. The
Children's Home reported that his father was William DURHAM; his mother was Edna PIERCE; and his uncle
was Millard PIERCE, who resided at 33 Swan St. and 50 Charles St. in Trenton.
- Deborah Finfgeld. 1304 Vintage Dr., Columbia, Missouri 65203. 2
October 2000.
Looking for information on William PIPPEN, who ran a
livery stable in Trenton, N.J. in 1880. Need his wife Margaret's maiden name, their death dates and
burial place. The livery stable was on Perry St. Any information on any PIPPEN or PIPPIN in the Trenton,
NJ area or anywhere in NJ would be appreciated.
- Cheryl Natriello. 31 January 2000.
I am looking for any information related to the PIVAK family that
lived in and around Trenton, New Jersey during the years spanning: 1930 to 1990. Some of the Trenton
areas include; 831 Cass St.and Broad, 535 Bellevue Ave.., 35 Tyler St., and Rutherford Ave. Information
on the following family members would be most helpful: Paul and Helen PIVAK, John and Rose PIVAK, George
and Margaret PIVAK, Julia and Frank PIVAK. Thank you.
- Gerald A. Pivak. 10 April 2000.
I am looking for information regarding Dr. Morris LeRoy POTTS, of
Trenton, NJ, second marriage (between 1918-1921) which resulted in a child named Mabel. Mabel may still
be alive, she is my grandmother's half-sister.
- Michelle Cox. 3 November 2000.
James W. PRICE is listed as her father on the Jersey City Lutheran
Church records of my Grandmother's confirmation. Record also says he was born in "Centreville NJ". Is
"Centreville" in Mercer County? Am looking for names of James' parents and details of his birth. He
appeared on 1880 Jersey City census as Watson Price aged 29 with wife Marry (sp) aged 31 & 2 yr. old dau
Kate. Same Church record showed Grandmother's mother as Maria Elizabeth ROHDE. My Grandmother, Olive
Louise PRICE, married Frederick THURSTON ca 1906, probably in Jersey City. Do not believe my PRICE line
is connected to the colonial lines. Can you help, please? Thank you.
- Helen Zebley. 21 February 2000.
I am looking for information about my great grand parents: Joseph
B. REED b 1842 d 1924; his wife Mary Adaline b1846 d1926 . Both are burried at Hamilton Square, N.J.
They lived in Mercerville, N.J. on Quaker Bridge Rd. where they owned a farm, mill, pond and ice house.
Thanks for any help.
- Harvey Roff. .
16 October 2000.
I am looking for information on my GGG Grandmother. Rhoda
REED; Born Abt. 1805; Married William ANTHONY September 25, 1824 in Trenton NJ; Died October 16, 1883
in Mercer County, Washington Twp. NJ; Buried in Bordentown, Burlington County, NJ. The Anthony Family
Bible says she was from Allentown, NJ. William & Rhoda are found in the following Census': 1840 Mercer
County, Hopewell Twp. NJ; 1850 Mercer County, Ewing Twp. NJ; 1860 Mercer County, Hopewell Twp. NJ; 1870
Mercer County, Lawrence Twp. NJ. Known Anthony Children: Eliza, Born Abt. 1825, Married AAron Dickinson
WOODRUFF, December 30, 1847; Matilda Louisa, Born August 7, 1830, Married Henry D. COOK, January 30,
1850; George Hail, Born January 26, 1838, Married Hannah Maria TINDALL March 1, 1860; Nathaniel R., Born
Abt. 1840, Married Theadosia HUGHES; Wykoff, Born Abt. 1846, Married Mary E. CHASEY September 7, 1870.
Thanks in advance for any help.
- Walter Anthony. 26 May 2000.
William Charles RITTER, born 1837 in Easton, PA,
married Sarah Elizabeth ULYSSES, born 1851 in Mercer County or Warren County, NJ. Sarah was the daughter
of William ULYSSES and Ruth KERN. Any information on this family will be most welcome.
- Lillie
Barnes. 7 August 2000.
I am looking for anyone with the surname of ROBESON. Living in
the Trenton, NJ, area. My mother's name was Ruth and she died in August '77.
- Nicole Brooks. 1 December 2000.
I am interested in the family of Jonathon ROSE and
Elizabeth CARHART. Their son Charles was born in Trenton in February of 1819. Any information would be
helpful. I have posted before, but now have a new e-mail address.
- Kim Welter. 4 August 2000.
William C. HART of Lawrenceville, NJ, named one son
Charles Rozelle HART, b.1826. Anyone know of connection of ROZELLE to HART or GRANT families of that
- Bill Kiefer. 12 January 2000.
RUSSO, Annunciata (my mother). RUSSO, Mario
( my grandfather ). BARBATO, Louise ( my grandmather's maiden name ). RUSSO, Mary ( my aunt). My
mother ( Annunciata ) was married to my father Jerry MARTUCCIELLO in 6/25/1941 at Blessed Sacrament
Church Trenton 8 , New Jersey. State of New Jersey , County of Mercer, City of Trenton Registration of
Marriages reg.# 36274. My mother's residence at time of marriage was State Home for Girls, Trenton, NJ.
My mother's approximate date of birth was the year 1924. Children of this marriage in order of age are:
Ann Geraldine MARTUCCIELLO born 6/30/41 in Trenton N.J. Vincent MARTUCCIELLO dob unknown in N.Y. Anna
Marie MARTUCCIELLO 11/22/43 in Bronx N.Y. My mother's last known whereabouts was New York City in
approximatly 1945 . Anxiously waiting for any information available . Thank you.
- Anna Marie
Martucciello. 27 March 2000.
Am seeking Parents of William SACKINGER having
immigrated to Mercer county, William was in fact married to Elizabeth RUPPEL in Trenton, Mercer, NJ.
1865. His parents should have been in the area then or about as early as 1856 from Eckhardzhausen,
Germany... They were Philip SACKINGER/SECKINGER, and Katherine SCHAFFER/SHAFFER, any ideas welcome.
Jessica L. Daily-Geary. 28 February 2000.
I am seeking anybody who has come across the name Barcley
SCHNECK in their Mercer County research. I know that he lived in Trenton in the 1920's. I believe that
the name of his wife was Nora (maiden name unknown). I have reason to believe that either he or his son
Barcley Edward died in 1953. Thank you.
- Martha Mohney Schneck. 11 June 2000.
Anthony Jacob SCHOLL and family lived in Mercer County in the
years 1858 through 1869. We would like to know the date of death of Anthony who we believed died in
Mercer County, New Jersey. His wifes name was Catherine. At the time of living in Mercer County he had
children named Frederick, Anthony, Jr., Catherine, Rosa, Eliza, Laura.
- BJ Lombardo. 28 February 2000.
Searching for information re Anthony Jacob SCHOLL
married to Catherine YARHLING. Lived in Mercer County 1855 through 1869. Anthony died in 1869 or 1870
and is probably buried in Mercer Cemetery with son Frederick who died at age nine. Anthony's widow left
Mercer County in 1869 and arrived in Memphis, TN as a widow with small children, Catherine, Anthony,
George, Eliza, Rosa and Laura. George is my grandfather. Have been trying desperately to obtain a death
certificate from N.J. with no luck.
- Betty Scholl Lombardo. 28 February 2000.
SEXTON, Jared and SEXTON, Silas. I am trying to prove that Silas
SEXTON was the son of Jared SEXTON (1739-1785). Silas was born in Hopewell.. Jared, the father, lived
most of his life in Hopewell. He was a judge and New Jersey Assemblyman. The mother of Silas was Mary
STOUT. Silas SEXTON's wife was named Harriet. I would also like to know her maiden name. Thank you for
any assistance you can give me.
- Donna Lane. 25 May 2000.
SIDWELL, Annie E. Searching for ancestors. She was born about
1847, died in or near Trenton Sep 1914 and was married to Jehu WINNEMORE.
- Bob Ballantyne. PA. 27 March 2000.
SLACK, Martha P. I am trying to verify a sampler worked by her in
1824 when she was 12 years old. I believe she was the mother or grandmother of my great grandmother Sarah
MCGILL, maiden name NEAL. She lived in Trenton on East State and Stockton Sts. Would like any information
about the SLACK family in Trenton around that time.
- Mary Ellen Danley. 25 August 2000.
SMITH: Mary HERNON - maiden name. Dec 1911. Spouse - Frank G.
SMITH. 8 sons, twin daughters: John, Leo, Frank, Lester, Syelvester, Harry, George, William.
Daughters: twins, Meriam F. and Florence born Dec 29, 1901. All persons mentioned were from Trenton,
Mercer Co., NJ.
- Norma Rawlins.
25 January 2000.
Searching for the parents of Jonah SMITH born appox. 1840. His
son's obit list Mercer County, N.J. as being were he was born - in 1860 is listed in the census - for
Mercer Co. I know that by 1880 he is married to Ezurah and living in Pa. Any help would be
- orrsflor. 15 May 2000.
My name is Cornelis Pieter Soeteman. I live in Ede the
Netherlands. In ca. 1847 my family is sailed to New Jersey (Mercer Co.). His name was Pieter SOETEMAN
and his wife was Cornelia DONKERSLOOT. Please more information. Many thanks.
- Cornelis Pieter
Soeteman. 11 August 2000.
D.A.R. searching for info on STOCKTON family of Burlington Cty
(now Mercer County) re: birth and death certificates, probate records, etc required by D.A.R. John
STOCKTON (1674-1747), m. 1704, Mary LEEDS (1687-1715). Daniel STOCKTON (1705-1763), m. 1728, Hannah
FISHER (1710-1797). John STOCKTON (1730-1763), m. 1750, Mary Hannah JONES (1730-?). John STOCKTON
(1756-1832), m. 1777, Mary GARDINER (1754-?).
- Alida B. Woodward. 15 January 2000.
Info on James STOCKTON, & sons Joseph S. STOCKTON, Robert
(Charles) STOCKTON, and John C. (Calvin) STOCKTON. Joseph was born around 1844-1846 in Princeton N.J.,
do not have dates for his brothers, the brothers may have gone by their middle names. Need information
as to who the parents of James STOCKTON may have been, am stuck here! Guessing he was born in the 1820s,
am not sure of his wife's last name, believe first name was Hannah. Would appreciate any information
from anyone with this James STOCKTON in their family line. Thanks.
- Peggy Stockton McClelland. 25 September 2000.
information on family of Major Robert STOCKTON who married Helen MACOMB. He died April 24, 1805. He was
Quartermaster in Rev. War. They had six children, Job, Ebenezer, James, Mary (Thomas Potts JOHNSON),
Elizabeth (Rev. Ashbel GREEN), and NANCY who married Francis Jefferson JAMES of Cumberland County, Va.
Nancy and Francis were my 3rd g.g. grandparents. When and where were they married? Did Francis go to
Princeton? They had one son, Richard Potts JAMES MD. Have information on Robert STOCKTON leaving Nancy's
part of his estate to son-in-law Francis who deeds it to their son Richard. Deed dated June 9, 1810.
Also, any information on Helen MACOMB would be greatly appreciated.
- June Clark Chapek. 28 August 2000.
I am searching for anyone who can help me information
on James STOCKTON and his wife, Hannah STOTTS of Princeton, Mercer Co., NJ. The dates that they lived
there would be (approx.) 1820-1850. At that point, I believe they moved to IL. Thank you for any and all
information that you can give me.
- Susan Stockton Gastrock. 11 September 2000.
Seeking information on Lymon H. STONE married Eliza
HANEY in Trenton, N.J., Mercer County, sometime between 1862 and 1864. They had one child Lilly STONE
born 9/6/1864 or 12/6/1864 died 1/16/1946 married Frank P. SCHROEDER, born in 1862 and died in 1928, son
of John SCHROEDER and Catherine HAYES. They had five children Francis, Florence, Harriet, Vincent
Katherine, and Lillian.
- Lee Kline. 465 Flock Rd., Hamilton, N.J. 08619.
30 August 2000.
STOUT, George and STOUT, Patricia (maiden name) of Trenton, NJ. I
am looking for my niece and nephew. Parents were Marie Daloisio STOUT and George STOUT.
- Irene
D'Aloisio. 10 January 2000.
(Seek ancestors & descendants). John STRASSER d 21 Apr 1887 in Trenton, NJ. He m bef 1847 Pauline
WEISS. They had children, Mary A (m Edgar D HAVENS), Pauline (m Frank R JUMMEL), Sally (m Willet
COOPER), Roseanne (m John GOMPPER), John Jacob (m Helen BERGEN). Roseanne STRASSER b 1847 PA, d 23 May
1905 in Trenton, NJ, m John GOMPPER, b 1843 Wittenburg, GER, d 10 Jan 1921 Trenton, NJ. They had ch:
Elizabeth (m Charles T H WALKLET), Agnes (m George SMITH), Mary Pauline, Mabel (m George BAMFORD), Edna,
Erma, Caroline (m John SPECHT), Estelle (m Alfred PARKER), Sarah (m #2 John WALKER), Mary A (m Benjamin
McCLURG). Elizabeth GOMPPER, b 1866, d 1931 m Charles T H WALKLET b1870, d 1951 in Trenton, NJ). Ch:
Hazel (1896-?), John James (1899-1964) m Katherine Helena SLAMIN, Charles Harry (1905 - ?) M Marjorie
WARREN, Mercer Donald (1909- ?) m Marie CUMMINS.
- Phyllis McGrew Walklet. 2046 Prestancia Lane, Sun City Center, FL 33573-6917.
15 May 2000.
I would like to exchange information with anyone researching the
family of Spencer SUTPHIN of Trenton, Mercer County, NJ. Spencer is listed on the 1840 census index,
page 89. The family line I am working is Spencer SUTPHIN (my gggrandfather), Charles Pitman SUTPHEN (my
ggrandfather) and Cora SUTPHEN (my grandmother). Other children of Spencer and Mary Effie FIRMAN include
Albert, born 25 Aug 1827; William F., born 19 Dec 1829; Joseph, born 24 Apr 1832; Alexander A., born 8
Dec 1834; Sara E., born 3 Mar 1842/43; Jane E., born 25 Jul 1847; and Firman, birth date unknown. Any
information would truly be appreciated.
- Kenn Hanson. 11 April 2000.
Would like to find the burial site of John and Helene (SNIDER)
SWALLOW. Last known to reside in Franklin Twp., Hunterdon County, NJ. (now Mercer Co.). John d.1879 -
Helene was alive at this time. The children of John and Helene: Amanda m Samuel WILLSON; Hannah m.
Abraham DEVENPORT/DAVENPORT; Sarah m. William GODLEY; Amy m. Whitfield THARP (moved to IL. -- Who/where
are Whitfields' NJ. family!); Susan m. ?; John m. Margaret A.K. GARY/GEARY?; Mary Ann m. Christopher
SNYDER. Any information will be appreciated.
- Jan Foster. 15 May 2000.
SWEENEY, HENRY: trying to cement this connection. My
cousin was Mons. Edward HENRY. He was Pastor of St Paul Parish in Princeton starting 1950 til ?. I know
he was a cousin of my g-grandfather Owen Bernard SWEENEY who was the son of (John ) Owen SWEENEY and
Bridget MCARTY(?) or MCGARTY (?) SWEENEY of Trenton. I also have some earlier queries from 1997 on the
same line which may help. Thanks in advance.
- Dawn ElRozz. 19 June 2000.
Looking for Samuel SWEETMAN m. Rebecca (no surname) ... issue
William H. SWEETMAN (b. 6/120/1849 @ Trenton, Mercer Co., NJ, d. 5/31/1920 @ Vicksburg, Kalamazoo Co.,
MI). Any information about Samuel, Rebecca, or William H. will be much appreciated. Thanks.
- K. B.
Cook. Nashville, TN. 17 February 2000.
Looking for info on John TAPPIN - father of Rebecca who was born
in Trenton in 1823. She mar Jacob DETRICK abt 1839 and moved to Monroe Co, Pa and later to Wyoming Co,
Pa. Death certificate lists John as father - no Mother listed. Any info appreciated.
- Phyllis
Learned. 30 July 2000.
My grandfather, Arthur Hou THOMAS, had in his possessions a medal
on a ribbon with the caption P. O. S. of A. -- Washington Camp No. 14 Trenton N J. It is a red, white
and blue ribbon with a crest of the P O S of A on top, with two American flags and a medal colored
picture of George Washington. It has gold-type braid on the botton and is about 8 to inches long. It
appears to be 80-100 years old. My grandfather died in Ocean County in 1952 at the age of 70. Does
anyone know what this represents?
- Jack Thomas. 2 May 2000.
I am seeking information on Nurie THREET. a.k.a. Mary by her
friends. She left Celina, TN in the early 40s. Nurie traveled to Bristol, PA with a lady whose name was
Pauline GRAY. She worked at Kaiser Cargo plant where air plane parts were manufactured. She married and
moved to Trenton, New Jersey. That was her last known where abouts. Nurie's Father was Cosberry B.
THREET. Her mother was Ollie GEORGE THREET. If you have any information, please contact me.
- David
Threet. 1806 New Hope Rd., Celina, TN
38551. 4 December 2000.
I am looking for parents' names for Mary
Belle TITUS (12/02/1875-11/05/1962), who said her family came originally from Titusville, Hopewell Twsp.,
NJ, and that HART middle name used for her offspring was an old family name. She married George FISHER
BARTON (04/14/1873-01/23/1949) a civil engineer, Princeton 1895. George's widowed mother, Sara Elizabeth
FISHER BARTON (09/16/1848-01/27/1929) taught mathematics, Latin, music and lived in the same household
with George.
- John Edward Barton. 23
October 2000.
The TOMASECK family was originally from Austria. They immigrated to Canada in 1860 and move on
to Cincinnati, Ohio at least by 1870. I am especially looking for the two brothers John and Wendel TOMASECK who with their families
moved to Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey in 1885/6. I know Wendel pasted away before 1910. If anybody has any information on these
two families please contact me.
- Thomas M. Smith. 7 August 2000.
Sarah Elizabeth ULYSSES, born 1851 in Mercer County
(or possibly Warren Co.) to William ULYSSES and Ruth KERN, married William Charles RITTER about 1870.
Any information about this family will be greatly appreciated.
- Lillie Barnes. 4 August 2000.
I am in Canada and am researching URQUHART ancestors who came
from the Mercer Co. area. Some records indicate that they came from Havensack and since others who
immigrated to Canada at the same time, (1783), named Trenton as their point of origin, I am guessing that
they originate from the same area. Can someone tell me where Havensack is located?
- Cheryl Tait. 30 January 2000.
Looking for more
information about Margaretta CLOSSON (maiden name probably VANSANT) or her siblings. She died in Trenton,
Mercer County in 1877 according to her will. She was the widow of William CLOSSON. She was born in PA
(not sure where) around 1800. Her will lists brother Cornelius VANSANT, nephew Courtland Wilson (my
ancestor), nieces Mary Ann BAKER, Sarah KULP, and nephew James WINDSOR. Also lists her late husband's
niece Jane McGARVEY and her cousin Fannie WALKER, wife of Benjamin WALKER of Philadelphia. From the
above information in the will I assume that she was Margaretta VANSANT who married William CLOSSON. Also,
I assume she had one brother named Cornelius VANSANT and a number of sisters, one who married a WILSON,
one who married a BAKER, one who married a KULP,and one who married a WINDSOR. However, the nieces could
already be using married names, so they may have different maiden name(s). *** I am particularly
interested in finding out about the VANSANT sister who married a WILSON, as I do not know who Courtland
WILSONs' parents were. *** Quaker ties: Margaretta CLOSSON left $500 in her will to the Trenton Quaker
meeting on the corner of Hanover and Montgomery streets (Hicksite at the time). From this I assume she
was a Quaker.
- Dova Wilson. 14 November
WALKER family Princeton, Mercer Co., NJ. Looking for information
on the WALKER family. My GR-Gf John WALKER married Elizabeth CANEY, and had four children: Marie, John,
George (my GF), and Margaret.
- Aaron. 31 October 2000.
Mercer Co. lookup for: WATKINS, Thomas and Jane. Children born
in NJ: John T. b. May 1881; Harry S. born Oct 1883; William born Dec 1885; and Alford born Dec 1887.
Thank you.
- Yvonne Watkin. 8 May
Requesting Birth look ups for WATKINS: Thomas WATKINS b. May 1881, William
WATKINS b. Dec 1885, Harry WATKINS b. Oct 1883, Alford WATKINS Dec. 1887, all in Mercer Co. (Probably
Trenton). Thanks so much.
- Yvonne Watkin. 2 November 2000.
Looking for information: Ann (MORAN) WEBB, Olden Ave., Trenton,
deceased. Also William & James (her sons), also deceased. Looking for cousins James & Micheal WEBB,
mothers name: Madeline (PORTER) WEBB.
- Karen.
10 January 2000.
WEBER, Henry T. (b. 1838) and PRICE, Hannah P. (b. 1842).
I am looking for any information on my great-grandparents listed above. They had the following children:
Henry F. WEBER (1861); John R. WEBER (1867); Eleanor Clementine WEBER (1869); Ross W. WEBER (1872); and
B. Welburg WEBER (1880). They lived in Trenton. Eleanor Clementine WEBER is my grandmother. She
married (1) Charles Walter DUBREE on March 23, 1893. She married (2) my grandfather, Dr. Charles Gregory
LANG at a later date, but I don't know where or when. Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Annie Favor. 25 September 2000.
I am searching for the parents of
Charity E. WESCOTT (b. Mar 6, 1856 d.May 21, 1921 bur. Pennington, NJ.). In 1871 in Trenton, NJ she
married Livingston Hart TITUS son of Enoch Armitage TITUS & Elizabeth BLACKWELL. (Livingston was b.Feb
11, 1852 in Trenton d. June 22,1900 bur. Pennington, NJ. ) Charity & Livingston had five children all
born in Hopewell, NJ.: Willington S. b. 1872, Elizabeth B. b.1874, Mary B. b.1876, Harry L. b. 1878 and
Sue B. b.1880. I would also be interested in learning more about Elizabeth BLACKWELL (daughter of Peter
BLACKWELL and Ester HART b. Sep 18, 1824 d.May 8, 1863 ) who married Enoch Armitage TITUS Sep 23, 1846
and was the mother of Livingston Hart (see above) and Susan Sarah b. 1849. Thank you.
- Nancy
Beringer. 3 September 2000.
These are names common to
the WEST family of Mercer County, New Jersey, especially the Hamilton Square, Groveville, Yardville area.
The WESTs migrated from Upper Freehold, Monmouth County, NJ in the 1840s and there was a heavy
concentration in Hamilton Township throughout the 1800s and early 1900s. I am especially looking for
information about Stephen WEST Sr. 1784-1867, buried in Hamilton Square Methodist Graveyard (currently a
parking lot) and his father William. Stephen WEST had several children, including William P, James,
Stephen Jr., Jonathan, Ellen, Hannah, Zephaniah, and maybe more. He had a sister, Susan Throckmorton
WEST (CUBBERLY), married to Elisha CUBBERLY, also buried in the Hamilton Square Methodist Cemetery. I am
interested in any information about this family, as well as the other inhabitants of the Methodist
Graveyard in Hamilton Square (it was paved over in the 80s I believe, without reinterment of the
- JWest. 1 December 2000.
I am looking for information and or descendants of Daniel
WHITLOCK, b. abt. 1812, died in July of 1849. He married Rachel Ann COLLARD (it may be HUBBARD). In
1850, Rachel lived in Princeton Township in Mercer County with her children, John, Mary, Abram, Benjamin
and Issac (twins) b. August of 1849. Daniel died of cholera in July of 1849, and can be found listed in
the 1850 mortality index that was recorded at the time of the 1850 census. The family moved to
Philadelphia some time between 1850 & 1860. Rachel died in January 1899. Mary WHITLOCK apparently never
married, and is buried with her mother at Greenmount Cemetery in Philadelphia. Benjamin, Isaac & John
are also buried there. Would like to hear from anyone who is related to this family.
- Carol Comp. Oklahoma City. 2 June 2000.
Does anyone know if a William WILSON ever served as a judge in the
New Jersey Courts (Burlington) somewhere between 1770-1820? Bible records state that he was a judge in
the Mercer Co. area., and his picture hangs in a Trenton, N.J. court house. I know that he married a
Mary Jane HUGHES on March 29, 1773 in PA., and died in New Jersey. Known children: Thomas Hayes WILSON,
and Peter WILSON. I would appreciate any information that might help prove this claim.
- Nellie
Sparrow. 24 January 2000.
Looking for ancestors and
siblings for Courtland (Cortland) B. WILSON (B probably Biles/Bertrum) B. 1822 PA, Married circa 1843 to
Sarah M. ? B. 1825 NJ. First child, Abdon L. WILSON born PA 1844, however rest of children born in Mercer
County. Courtland died 1898 and was buried in Greenwood Cemetary. They were probably Presbyterians, and
males worked in sawmills or as carpenters. May be a connection to an Israel WILSON of Hunterdon county,
whose descendant, Laura WILSON, married a descendant of Courtland Wilson's. Laura married Courtland B.
LEAK 1900 in Trenton, NJ. Other family name connections: IVINS, HOUGHTON, RICHARDS, LEAK, WOODRUFF,
- Dova Wilson. 2 April 2000.
Adam WINKLER (1884-1925) and wife Mary SELGRAD
(1889-1970) are buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Hamilton Twp. Can anyone advise the address of the
office where the cemetery records would be kept.
- Donna Przecha. 16 August 2000.
Researching WINNEMORE family name, known to be
living in Trenton, Mercer County, in 1900. Father Jehu WINNEMORE, mother Annie SIDWELL WINNEMORE, born
abt 1841, died 1914 in Trenton, NJ. Sons Jehu WINNEMORE, born 1874, died 1948, And Rev. John Louis
WINNEMORE, born 1878 and died 1945. Also may have had a daughter named Annie KULK. Does anyone have any
information on this family?
- Kathie Groll. 11 January 2000.
I am searching for Edwin WOOD who I believe was born in Mercer Cty
in 1820. I do know he appeared in the 1850 census. I also believe this is the same person that was
mentioned in the book "Genealogical and personal memorial of Mercer County, NJ" under the editorial
supervision of Francis Bazley Lee. I'm not sure if this is my gr gr gr grandfather but I'm hoping.......
- Diane Lapins. 13 June 2000.
Seeking information about Jesse WOOLEY and Martha STRONG.
Would like to find parents, siblings, descendants of Jesse WOOLEY (b. 1800 d. 1874) and his wife Martha
STRONG (b. 1800 d. 1844). They were married in 1826 and had the following children: William (b. 1826),
Ellen, Susan Ann (b. 1831), Collins R. (b. 1832), Mary Elizabeth (b. 1835), Catherine (b. 1838), Martha
(b. 1840), and Samuel (b. 1841 d. 1918). The WOOLEY family lived in the Lamberton section of Trenton.
Jesse and Martha are my great-great-grandparents.
- Marsha King. 16 October 2000.
WORT, John, his wife WORT, Julia, residents of the Mercer Co. area
1820(?) through 1840(?). I am searching for any information available.
- Robert Worth. 5 Judith Ann Court, Mahwah, NJ
07430. 28 February 2000.
Jonathan WRIGHT born 1724 in Hopewell, New Jersey. Married Sarah
YARD and moved to Pennsylvania. One of his son's was Benjamin WRIGHT born 1755. Who was the parents of
this WRIGHT?
- Ray Wright. 25 July 2000.
I'm searching for any information on a Nathan ZIMMERMAN m. Mary MORTON. Nathan was born in Germany. He married Mary MORTON, living near Trenton, Mercer Co., NJ on the family farm (See Mary MORTON for more info). I'm not sure if he settled there for a period, but then moved on with wife to Center Co., PA and was killed there around 1811 when a tree fell on him. Looking for any information on either Nathan or Mary.
- Christine Sykes. 11 February 2000.
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