Books About Mining - Page 3
Here is an alphabetical list of books about Mining, Prospecting, Mines,
Miners, Mining History, Economic Minerals, Mining Engineering, and some
Geological, Geotechnical, and Petroleum Engineering, compiled by a science librarian, that are currently available. Click on the image or title for additional information and availability. The list is frequently updated; so check back often.
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| Titles A-I | Titles J-Z | Mining History | Children/K-12 Level |
Mining History
African American Miners and Migrants: The Eastern Kentucky Social Club [hardcover] by Thomas E. Wagner
African American Miners and Migrants: The Eastern Kentucky Social Club [paperback] by Thomas E. Wagner
The Age of Gold: The California Gold Rush and the New American Dream by H. W. Brands
The Agricultural and Mineral Resources of Muskingum County, by Michigan Historical Reprint Series
Alaska's Oil, Gas and Minerals Industry, No. 4 by Alaska Geographic Editors
All Nine Alive!: The Dramatic Mine Rescue That Inspired and Cheered a Nation by Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
American Iron, 1607-1900 by Robert B. Gordon
American Miners Carbide Lamps: A Collector's Guide to American Carbide Mine Lighting by Gregg Clemmer
The American: River of El Dorado by Margaret Sanborn
Another Civil War: Labor, Capital, and the State in the Anthracie Regions of Pennsylvania, 1840-1868 by Grace Palladino
Anthracite!: An Anthology of Coal Region Drama by Philip Mosley
Anthracite Heritage Museum: Pennsylvania Trail of History Guide by Harold W. Aurand
Anthracite Roots: Generations of Coal Mining in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania by Joseph W. Leonard
Appalachian Coal Mining Memories: Life in the Coal Fields of Virginia's
New River Valley by Mary B. Lalone
Arawata Bill: The Story of Legendary Gold Prospector William James O'Leary by Ian Dougherty
Arizona and Sonora: The geography, History, and Resources of the Silver Region of North America by Michigan Historical Reprint Series
The Ashio Riot of 1907: A Social History of Mining in Japan [hardcover] by Kazuo Nimura
The Ashio Riot of 1907: A Social History of Mining in Japan [paperback] by Kazuo Nimura
Aspen: The History of a Silver-Mining Town, 1879-1893 by Malcolm J. Rohrbough
The Automobile Gold Rushes and Depression Era Mining by Charles
Wallace Miller, Jr.
Barren Lands: An Epic Search for Diamonds in the North American Arctic by Kevin Krajick
Bath Iron Works (Images of America) by Andrew C. Toppan
Bodie: "The Mines Are Looking Well...": The History of the Bodie Mining District, Mono County, California by Michael H. Piatt
Bodie's Gold: Tall Tales and True History from a California Mining Town [hardcover] by Marguerite Sprague
Bodie's Gold: Tall Tales and True History from a California Mining Town [paperback] by Marguerite Sprague
Boom Town Blues: Elliot Lake: Collapse and Revival in a Single Industry Community by Anne-Marie Mawhiney
Boom Town Directory and Ghost Town Guide to Nevada's Aurora by Clifford Alpheus Shaw
Boys in the Pits: Child Labour in Coal Mines by Robert McIntosh
Bringing Down the Mountains: The Impact of Mountaintop Removal Surface Coal Mining on Southern West Virginia Communities, 1970--2004 by Shirley L. Stewart Burns
British Investments and the American Mining Frontier, 1860-1901:... by Clark C. Spence
The Buffalo Creek Disaster: How the Survivors of One of the Worst Disasters in Coal-Mining History Brought Suit Against the Coal Company--And Won by Gerald M. Stern
The Butte Irish: Class and Ethnicity in an American Mining Town,
1875-1925 by David M. Emmons
Buxton: A Black Utopia in the Heartland by Dorothy Schweider
Calaveras Gold: The Impact of Mining on a Mother Lode County by Ronald H. Limbaugh
The California Gold Country: Highway 49 Revisited by Elliot H.
California's Gold Rush Country: A Guide to the Best of the Mother
Lode by Barbara Braasch
The Call of Gold: True Tales on the Gold Road to Yosemite by Newell D. Chamberlain
Canada's Mine Disasters by Donnalee Moulton
Canada's Victorian Oil Town by Christina Burr
Capital and Labour on the Kimberley Diamond Fields, 1871-1890 by Robert Vicat Turrell
Capitalist Collective Action: Competition, Cooperation and Conflict in the Coal Industry by John R. Bowman
Caverns of Night: Coal Mines in Art, Literature, and Film by William B. Thesing
Chasing the Glitter: Black Hills Milling, 1874-1959 by Richmond L. Clow
Chesapeake & Ohio Railway in the Coal Fields of West Virginia and Kentucky: Mines-Towns-Trains by Thomas W. Dixon Jr.
A Chinaman's Chance: The Chinese on the Rocky Mountain Mining
Frontier by Liping Zhu
Chinese Coal Industry - An Economic History by Elspeth Thomson
Climax: The History of Colorado's Climax Molybdenum Mine by Stephen M. Voynick
Clinchfield Railroad in the Coal Fields by Robert A. Helm
Coal: A Human History by Barbara Freese
Coal: A Memoir and Critique by Duane Lockard
Coal Miners on Strike: The 111-Day 1977-78 Strike by Nancy Cole
Coal Mines Inspection: Its History And Results by Robert Nelson Boyd
Coal Mining by G. Haye
Coal Mining Industry of the Far Eastern Republic (1922) by Special Delegation Of The Far Eastern Republic
Coal People: Life in Southern Colorado's Company Towns, 1890-1930
by Rick J. Clyne
Coal: Report of Henry E. Colton on the Coal Mines of Tennessee by Henry E. Colton
Coal River by Michael Shnayerson
Coalcracker Culture: Work and Values in Pennsylvania Anthracite by Harold W. Aurand
A Collection of Mining Laws of Spain and Mexico by Michigan Historical Reprint Series
Colonization and Community: The Vancouver Island Coalfield and the Making of the British Columbian Working Class [hardcover] by John Douglas Belshaw
Colonization and Community: The Vancouver Island Coalfield and the Making of the British Columbian Working Class [paperback] by John Douglas Belshaw
Colorado Ghost Towns and Mining Camps by Sandra Dallas
Colorado Gold: From the Pike's Peak Rush to the Present by Stephen M. Voynick
Colorado Mining Camps by Dave Southworth
Colorado Mining Stories by Caroline Arlen
Colorado Mountain Women: Tales From the Mining Camps by Sherie Fox Schmauder
Colorado's Lost Gold Mines and Buried Treasure by Caroline Bancroft
Considerations Upon the Art of Mining - To Which Are Added, Reflections On Its Actual State In Europe by William Hypolitus Keating
Contested Communities: Class, Gender, and Politics in Chile's El Teniente
Copper Mine, 1904-1948 by Thomas Miller Klubock
Convicts, Coal, and the Banner Mine Tragedy by Robert David Ward
Copper Crucible: How the Arizona Miners' Strike of 1983 Recast Labor-Management Relations in America [hardcover] by Jonathan D. Rosenblum
Copper Crucible: How the Arizona Miners' Strike of 1983 Recast Labor-Management Relations in America [paperback] by Jonathan D. Rosenblum
Copper Empire: Mining and the Colonial State in Northern Rhodesia, c.1930-64 by Larry Butler
Copper for America: The United States Copper Industry from Colonial Times to the 1990s by Charles K. Hyde
The Copper Mines of Lake Superior by Michigan Historical Reprint Series
Cornwall Iron Furnace: Pennsylvania Trail of History Guide by Susan Dieffenbach
Coronado's Children: Tales of Lost Mines and Buried Treasures of the Southwest by James Frank Dobie
Cradle to Grave: Life, Work, and Death at the Lake Superior Copper Mines by Larry Lankton
Crested Butte: From Coal Camp to Ski Town by Duane A. Smith
Cripple Creek District: Last of Colorado's Gold Blooms by Jan Mackell
Crooked Past: The History of a Frontier Mining Camp: Fairbanks,
Alaska by Terrence Cole
The Cultural Landscape of Prehistoric Mines by Peter Topping
Danger, Death, Disaster: Coal Mining in the Crowsnest Pass 1902-1928 by Karen Buckley
Daughters of the Mountain: Women Coal Miners in Central Appalachia by Suzanne E. Tallichet
The Day the Earth Caved In: An American Mining Tragedy by Joan Quigley
De re Metallica by Georgius Agricola
Death Destruction and Disaster in the American Coal Mining Industry by Albert Dean Browning
Death in the Mines: Disasters and Rescues in the Anthracite Coal Fields of Pennsylvania by J. Stuart Richards
Death Underground: The Centralia and West Frankfort Mine Disasters by Robert E. Hartley
Death Valley to Yosemite: Frontier Mining Camps & Ghost Towns - The Men, The Women, Their Mines and Stories by L. Burr Belden
The Deep Dark: Disaster and Redemption in America's Richest Silver Mine [hardcover] by Gregg Olsen
The Deep Dark: Disaster and Redemption in America's Richest Silver Mine [paperback] by Gregg Olsen
Democratic Miners: Work and Labor Relations in the Anthracite Coal
Industry, 1875-1925 by Perry K. Blatz
Diamond: A Journey to the Heart of an Obsession by Matthew Hart
Diamond: The History of a Cold-Blooded Love Affair by Matthew Hart
A Dictionary of Spanish, Spanish-American, Portuguese, and Portuguese-American Mining, Metallurgical and Allied Terms (1914) by Edward Halse
Dolaucothi-Pumsaint: Survey and Excavations at a Roman Gold-Mining Complex 1987-1999 by Barry Burnham
Drake Well Museum and Park: Pennsylvania Trail of History Guide by Jon Sherman
Dredging for Gold by Bert Webber
Durham's Place Names of California's Gold Country... by David L.
Dutchman's Gold: Finding the Lost Nugget by Ronald E. Vlietstra
Early Days on the Yukon: And the Story of the Gold Fields by William Ogilvie
Early Mining Days - California Gold Country: The Story Behind the Scenery by Stanley W. Paher
Eckley Miner's Village: Pennsylvania Trail of History Guide by Perry K. Blatz
The Efficient Purchase And Utilization Of Mine Supplies (1917) by Hubert Nicholas Stronck
El Dorado in West Africa: The Gold Mining Frontier, African Labor, and Colonial Capitalism in the Gold Coast, 1875-1900 by Raymond E. Dumett
The Enemy Within: The Secret War Against The Miners by Seumas Milne
Explorations of the Highlands of Brazil: With a Full Account of the Gold & Diamond Mines by Richard F. Burton
Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil: With a Full Account of the Gold & Diamond Mines. Vol. 1 by Richard F. Burton
Exploring and Mining Gems and Gold in the West by Fred Rynerson
Ghost Towns and Mining Camps of California: A History & Guide by
Remi A. Nadeau
Ghost Towns and Mining Camps of New Mexico by James E. Sherman
Ghost Towns and Mining Camps of the San Juans by Dave Southworth
Ghost Towns of Colorado: Your Guide to Colorado's Historic Mining Camps
and Ghost Towns [paperback] by Philip Varney
Ghost Towns of Northern California: Your Guide to Ghost Towns and
Historic Mining Camps by Philip Varney
Ghost Towns of the Pacific Northwest: Your Guide to Ghost Towns, Mining Camps, and Historic Forts of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia by Philip Varney
Ghosts of Chaffee County: A Guide to the Ghost Towns & Mining Camps of Chaffee County & Eastern
Gunnison County, Colorado by John K. Aldrich
Glencoe, Spelling Out Western Coal Camp History by Dorothy Wright
Glitter & Greed: The Secret World of the Diamond Cartel by Janine Roberts
The Glory Days in Goldfield, Nevada by Sally Springmeyer Zanjani
A Glossary of Terms Used in Coal Mining (1883) by William Stukeley Gresley
Going Back to Central: On the Road in Search of the Past in Michigan's Upper Peninsula by Lon L. Emerick
Gold Camps and Silver Cities: 19th Century Mining in Central and Southern
Idaho by Merle W. Wells
The Gold Crusades: A Social History of the Gold Rushes, 1849-1929
by Douglas Fetherling
Gold Fever by Rich Mole
Gold, Gals, Guns, Guts: A History of Deadwood, Lead, and Spearfish, 1874-1976 by Bob Lee
The Gold Hunter's Adventures; or, Life in Australia by William H. Thomes
Gold in Ontario by Michael Barnes
Gold in the Black Hills by Watson Parker
Gold Mine Accounts And Costing: A Practical Manual For Officials, Accountants, Bookkeepers, Etc. (1912) by G. W. Tait
Gold Mines of North Carolina (Images of America) by John Hairr
Gold Mining and Politics--Johannesburg, 1900-1907: The Origins of the Old
South Africa by A. A. Mawby
Gold Mining in Oregon by Bert Webber
Gold Rivers of Northern California by Marjorie B. Giles
Gold Rush Grub: From Turpentine Stew to Hoochinoo by Ann Chandonnet
Gold Rush Saints: California Mormons and the Great Rush for Riches by Will Bagley
Gold Rushes and Mining Camps of the Early American West by Vardis Fisher
Gold Seeking in South Africa: A Handbook of Hints for Intending Explorers, Prospectors and Settlers by Theo Kassner
Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike of 1983
[hardcover] by Barbara Kingsolver
Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike of 1983
[paperback] by Barbara Kingsolver
Hole in the Ground with a Liar at the Top: Fraud and Deceit in the Golden Age of American Mining by Dan Plazak
Hydraulic Mining in California: A Tarnished Legacy by Powell
I Am Rich Potosi: The Mountain That Eats Men by Stephen Ferry
Idaho's Bunker Hill: The Rise and Fall of a Great Mining Company, 1885-1981 [hardcover] by Katherine G. Aiken
Idaho's Bunker Hill: The Rise and Fall of a Great Mining Company, 1885-1981 [paperback] by Katherine G. Aiken
Ideology, Executive Decision-Making, and the Colorado Coal Strike of 1913--1914 by Erin Griffiths
Imagining Difference: Legend, Curse, and Spectacle in a Canadian Mining Town by Leslie A. Robertson
In the Company of Diamonds: De Beers, Kleinzee, and the Control of a Town
[hardcover] by Peter Carstens
In the Company of Diamonds: De Beers, Kleinzee, and the Control of a Town
[paperback] by Peter Carstens
In the Kingdom of Coal: An American Family and the Rock That Changed the World by Dan Rottenberg
Industrializing the Rockies: Growth, Competition, and Turmoil in the Coalfields of Colorado and Wyoming, 1868-1914 (Mining in the American West Series) by David A. Wolff
Insider Stories of the Comstock Lode and Nevada's Mining Frontier, 1859-1909: Primary Sources in American Social History. 2 Volume Set by Lawrence I. Berkove
The Investigation Of Mine Air (1905) by Clement Le Neve Foster
Iron Frontier by David A. Walker
The Iron Hunter by Chase S. Osborn
Iron in the Pines: The Story of New Jersey's Ghost Towns and Bog Iron by Arthur D. Pierce
The Iron Industry of the Forest of Dean by John Meredith
Iron Mine Trails: A History and Hikers Guide to the Historic Iron Mines of the New Jersey and New York Highlands by Edward J. Lenik
It Seems Like Only Yesterday: Mining and Mapping in Arizona's First Century Vol 1: The Yuma Years by Robert Lenon
Jewish Voices of the California Gold Rush: A Documentary History, 1849-1880 by Ava Fran Kahn
John C. and Hiley: The Struggle of a Coal Mining Family by John H. Corns
The Journey: The Overlanders' Quest for Gold by Bill Gallaher
Kate Rice: Prospector by Helen Duncan
Kenai Peninsula Gold by Ron Wendt
Klondike Centennial Scrapbook: The Great Klondike Gold Rush by
Stan B. Cohen
The Klondike Fever: The Life and Death of the Last Great Gold Rush by Pierre Berton
The Klondike Quest: A Photographic Essay 1897-1899:... by Pierre Berton
Klondike, the Land of Gold. Containing All Available Practical Information of Every Description Concerning the New Gold Fields by Charles Frederick Stansbury
Klondike: The Last Great Gold Rush by Pierre Berton
Knox Mine Disaster: The Final Years of the Northern Anthracite Industry and the Effort to Rebuild a Regional Economy by Pierre Berton
Labor, Loyalty, & Rebellion: Southwestern Illinois Coal Miners and World War I by Carl R. Weinberg
The Lady in the Ore Bucket: A History of Settlement and Industry in the Tri-Canyon Area of the Wasatch Mountains by Charles L. Keller
Lancashire Mining Disasters 1835-1910 by Jack Nadin
The Last Great Gold Rush: A Klondike Reader by Graham Wilson
Last Man Out: The Story of the Springhill Mine Disaster [hardcover] by Melissa Fay Greene
Last Man Out: The Story of the Springhill Mine Disaster [paperback] by Melissa Fay Greene
Lead Mining Towns of Southwest Wisconsin (Images of America) by Carol March McLernon
The Legend of the Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine by Charles H. Huckabay
Legends of Texas: Lost Mines and Buried Treasure by J. Frank Dobie
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury Transmitting Report Upon the Mineral Resources of the States and Territories West of the Rocky Mountains by Michigan Historical Reprint Series
'Licentious Liberty' in a Brazilian Gold-Mining Region: Slavery, Gender, and Social Control in
Eighteenth-Century Sabara, Minas Gerais by Kathleen J. Higgins
Lost Gold and Silver Mines of the Southwest by Eugene L. Conrotto
The Making of a Hardrock Miner: An Account of the Experiences of a Worker in Copper, Molybdenum, and Uranium Mines in the West by Stephen M. Voynick
Maps of the California Gold Region, 1848-1857: A Biblio-Cartography of an Important Decade by Carl I. Wheat
Marquette Iron Region ... Menominee Iron Region by Michigan Historical Reprint Series
The Mechanics Of Optimism: Mining Companies, Technology, And The Hot Spring Gold Rush, Montana Territory, 1864-1868 (Mining the American West Series) by Jeffrey J. Safford
Medical Records for the South Wales Coalfield c. 1890-1948: An Annotated Guide to the South Wales Coalfield Collection by Anne Borsay
Memoir of Josiah White. Showing His Connection with the Introduction and Use of Anthracite Coal and Iron, and the Construction of Some of the Canals and ... of Pennsylvania,... by Richard Richardson
Memoirs of a Maine Gold Hunter by C. J. Stevens
Memorial of Prof. Ridgway, Geologist and Mining Engineer, in Relation to the Coal Field of Rhode Island, Presented to the General Assembly... by Michigan Historical Reprint Series
Metals and Mines: Studies in Archaeometallurgy by Susan La Niece
Mexican Coal Mining Labor in Texas and Coahuila, 1880-1930 by
Roberto R. Calderon
Michigan Gold: Mining in the Upper Peninsula by Daniel R. Fountain
Michigan-Ontario Iron Ore Railroad by Patrick C. Dorin
Midas of the Rockies: The Story of Stratton and Cripple Creek by
Frank Waters
A Mile Deep and Black As Pitch: An Oral History of the Franklin and Sterling Hill Mines
by Carrie Papa
Milton Rogovin: The Mining Photographs by Milton Rogovin
Mine Accidents and Their Prevention (1912) by John Huffman Dague
Mine in the Sky by Joseph M. Kurtak
The Mine Management Professions in the Twentieth-Century Scottish Coal Mining Industry by Andrew Perchard
A Mine of Her Own: Women Prospectors in the American West, 1850 - 1950 by Sally Zanjani
The Mine: Or Sketches Of The Mines Of Different Countries, The Modes Of Working Them, And Their Various Productions (1861) by Isaac Taylor
Mine Owners and Mines of the Colorado Gold Rush by Laurel Michele Wickersheim
A Mine to Make a Mine: Financing the Colorado Mining Industry, 1859-1902 by Joseph E. King
Mineral Wealth of Missouri. Two Lectures Delivered in the Hall of Representatives, at Jefferson City, Mo., February 17th and 18th, 1870,... by C. D. Wilber
Miners and the State in the Ottoman Empire: The Zonguldak Coalfield, 1822-1920 by Donald Quataert
Miners' Lung: A History of Dust Disease in British Coal Mining by Arthur J. McIvor
Miners, Millhands, and Mountaineers: Industrialization of the Appalachian South, 1880-1930 by Ronald D. Eller
The Miners of Windber: The Struggles of New Immigrants for Unionization, 1890s-1930s (1996 printing) by Mildred Allen Beik
The Miners of Windber: The Struggles of New Immigrants for Unionization, 1890s-1930s (2006 printing) by Mildred Allen Beik
Miners on Strike: Class Solidarity and Division in Britain by Andrew J. Richards
The Miner's Right: A Tale of the Australian Goldfields by Rolf Boldrewood
The Mines of the Upper Harz From 1514 to 1589 by Helen Boyce
The Mines of the West: A Report to the Secretary of the Treasury (2005 printing) by Rossiter W. Raymond
The Mines of the West: A Report to the Secretary of the Treasury (2008 printing) by Rossiter W. Raymond
Mineworkers in Zambia: Labour and Political Change in Post-Colonial Africa by Miles Larmer
Mining and Metal Production Through the Ages by Paul Craddock
Mining & Metallurgy in Ancient India by Rina Shrivastava
Mining California: An Ecological History by Andrew C. Isenberg
Mining Camps: A Study in American Frontier Government by Charles Shinn
Mining Camps and Ghost Towns; A History of Mining in Arizona and California Along the Lower Colorado by Frank Love
Mining Camps of Placer County (Images of America) by Carmel Barry Schweyer
The Mining Camps Speak by Beth Sagstetter
Mining Cultures: Men, Women, and Leisure in Butte, 1914-41 by Mary Murphy
Mining Frontiers of the Far West, 1848-1880 by Elliott West
Mining History And Geology Of Joshua Tree National Park: San Bernardino And Riverside Counties, California by Margaret Eggers
Mining in Chile's Norte Chico: Journal of Charles Lambert, 1825-1830 by Charles Lambert
Mining in Cornwall by L. J. Bullen
Mining in the Old West by Sandor Demlinger
Mining in the Pacific States of North America by Michigan Historical Reprint Series
Mining in World History by Martin Lynch
The Mining Industry (Tauris Industrial Histories) by Trevor Boyns
Mining Schools in the United States by Michigan Historical Reprint Series
Mining Statistics. No. 1. Tabular Statement of the Condition of the Auriferous Quartz Mines and Mills in that Part of Mariposa and Tuolumne Counties Lying ... 1865 by A. R�mond
Mining Towns and Camps of Placer County by Carmel Barry-Schweyer
Mining Women: Gender in the Development of a Global Industry, 1670 to 2005 by Laurie Mercier
Minnesota-Ontario Iron Ore Railroad by Patrick C. Dorin
Minnesota's Iron Country: Rich Ore, Rich Lives by Marvin G. Lamppa
The Missabe Road: The Duluth, Missabe and Iron Range Railway by Frank A. King
Monacans and Miners: Native American and Coal Mining Communities in Appalachia [hardcover] by Samuel R. Cook
Monacans and Miners: Native American and Coal Mining Communities in Appalachia [paperback] by Samuel R. Cook
Monongah: The Tragic Story of the 1907 Monongah Mine Disaster, the Worst Industrial Accident in US History by Davitt Mcateer
Montana Pay Dirt: A Guide to the Mining Camps of the Treasure State by Muriel Sibell Wolle
Mount Lyell Mines: Tasmania (1898) by Macnamara Russell
Mountains and Orefields: Metal Mining Landscapes in Mid and North-East Wales by Nigel Jones
Mountains of Silver: Life in Colorado's Red Mountain Mining District by P. David Smith
Moving Mountains: How One Woman and Her Community Won Justice from Big Coal by Penny Loeb
Murder of a Mining Magnate: The Story of Harry Oakes by Cheryl MacDonald
The National Union of Mineworkers and British Politics 1944 - 1968 by Andrew Taylor
The Nature of Gold: An Environmental History of the Klondike Gold Rush by Kathryn Taylor Morse
The Navajo People and Uranium Mining [hardcover] by Stewart L. Udall
The Navajo People and Uranium Mining [paperback] by Stewart L. Udall
Necessary Fraud: Progressive Reform and Utah Coal by Nancy J. Taniguchi
Nellie E. Ladd: Mining Camp Photographer of the Trinity Alps, 1859-1922 by Valerie Budig-Markin
Nevada's Twentieth-Century Mining Boom: Tonopah, Goldfield, Ely by Russell R. Elliott
New Owners in Their Own Land: Minerals and Inuit Land Claims by Robert McPherson
Nine Alive: The Miraculous Rescue of the Pennsylvania Miners by The Associated Press
Nine for Nine: The Pennsylvania Mine Rescue Miracle by Andrews Morton
No One Ailing Except a Physician: Medicine in the Mining West, 1848-1919 by Duane A. Smith
The Northern Gold Fleet: Twentieth-Century Gold Dredging in Alaska by Clark C. Spence
Notices of Mining Machinery and Various Mechanical Appliances in Use Chiefly in the Pacific States and Territories for Mining, Raising and Working Ores, ... for Similar Purposes by William P. Blake
Old Heart of Nevada: Ghost Towns and Mining Camps of Elko County by Shawn Hall
On the Trail to the California Gold Rush by Alonzo Delano
104 Men by Amanda M. Garraway
Opal Adventures by Paul B. Downing
Ore Mining Methods - Comprising Descriptions of Methods of Support in Extraction of Ore, Detailed Descriptions of Methods of Development of Mines, of Stoping ... by Walter R. Crane
Oregon's Golden Years: Bonanza of the West by Miles F. Potter
Oro en Tierra del Fuego! by Carlos Vairo
Our Story: 77 Hours That Tested Our Friendship and Our Faith [hardcover] by Jeff Goodell
Our Story: 77 Hours That Tested Our Friendship and Our Faith [paperback] by Jeff Goodell
Out of the Dust: Utah's Lost Mines and Treasures by Stephen Shaffer
A Passion for Gold: An Autobiography by Ralph J. Roberts
Pay Dirt: Fortunes and Misfortunes of an Alaskan Gold Miner by Otis Hahn
Paydirt: The Spirit of Canadian Mining by Iona Wright
The Pennsylvanian Anthracite Coal Industry, 1860-1902 by Richard G. Healey
Pennsylvania Mining Families: The Search For Dignity In The Coalfields by Barry P. Michrina
Pioneering with Taconite by Edward H. Davis
Pit Women: Coal Communities in Northern England in the Early Twentieth Century by Griselda Carr
Politics of Development: Forests Mines and Hydro-Electric Power in Ontario, 1849 1941 by H. V. Nelles
Power and Violence in the Colonial City: Oruro from the Mining Renaissance to the Rebellion of Tupac Amaru (1740-1782) by Oscar Cornblit
The Power of Gold: The History of an Obsession [hardcover] by Peter L. Bernstein
The Power of Gold: The History of an Obsession [paperback] by Peter L. Bernstein
Precious Dust: The Saga of the Western Gold Rushes by Paula Mitchell Marks
Preserving the Glory Days: Ghost Towns and Mining Camps of Nye County, Nevada by Shawn Hall
Prospecting Locating and Valuing Mines: A Practical Treatise for the Use of Prospectors Investors and Mining Men Generally (1900) by Richard Henry Stretch
Prospector, Cowhand, and Sodbuster: Historic Places Associated With the Mining, Ranching, and Farming Frontiers in the Trans-Mississippi West:... by National Park Service
The Prospectors' Pick: The People of the Yellowknife Gold Boom 1936-1951 by Geddes Webster
Prospectus of the Minong Mining Company by Michigan Historical Reprint Series
Race, Class, and Power in the Alabama Coalfields, 1908-21 by Brian Kelly
Red Gold of Africa: Copper in Precolonial History and Culture by Eugenia W. Herbert
Red Lodge and the Mythic West: Coal Miners to Cowboys by Bonnie Christensen
Report, Articles of Association and Bylaws of the Clifton Mining Company, Organized October 19th, 1853, Under the General Mining Law of the State of Michigan... by Michigan Historical Reprint Series
Report as to the Best and Cheapest Mode of Communication Between the Coal Mines of the Mount Carbon Coal Company in Jackson County, Illinois, and the Mississippi River (1851) by Randolph Coyle
Report of an Examination of the Coal and Iron Ore Lands Known as the Wilson Survey, Lying on the South Side of the Great Kanawha River, in the Counties of Kanawha and Fayettem State of Virginia, by Michigan Historical Reprint Series
Report of J. Ross Browne on the Mineral Resources of the States and Territories West of the Rocky Mountains. [1867] by Michigan Historical Reprint Series
Report of Progress in the Greene and Washington District of the Bituminous Coalfields of Western Pennsylvania,... by J. J. Stevenson
Report of Progress on the Brown Hematite Ore Ranges of Lehigh County, With a Description of the Mines Lying Between Emaus, Alburtis and Fogelsville by Frederick Prime, Jr.
Report of the Commissioners and Evidence Taken by the Committee on Mines and Mining of the House of Representatives ... in Regard to the Sutro Tunnel, ... by Michigan Historical Reprint Series
Report of the Directors and Mine Agent of the Star Copper Company, With Letters from Wn. H. Stevens and A. C. Davis, by Michigan Historical Reprint Series
Report of the Directors of the Northampton Coal Company, Containing a Report of the Engineer and Bylaws of the Company by Michigan Historical Reprint Series
Report on the Cherry Mine Disaster (1910) by David Ross
Report on the Ocoee and Hiwassee Mineral District by Michigan Historical Reprint Series
Report on the Iron of Dodge and Washington Counties, State of Wisconsin by James G. Percival
Reports Upon the Mineral Resources of the United States by Michigan Historical Reprint Series
A Review of The Osmiridium Mining Industry of Tasmania (1919) by Campbell Brown
Rich Earth: Alaska's Mineral Industry by Alaska Geographic
Riches for All: The California Gold Rush and the World by Kenneth N. Owens
Riding the High Wire: Aerial Mine Tramways in the West [hardcover] by Robert A. Trennert
Riding the High Wire: Aerial Mine Tramways in the West [paperback] by Robert A. Trennert
The Rise Of The Silver Queen: Georgetown, Colorado, 1859-1896 by Liston A. Leyendecker
The Roar and the Silence: A History of Virginia City and the Comstock Lode by Ronald M. James
Roaring Camp: The Social World of the California Gold Rush by Susan Lee Johnson
Rock Poker to Pay Dirt: The History of Alaska's School of Mines and Its Successors by Leslie Noyes
Wealth, Waste, and Alienation: Growth and Decline in the Connellsville Coke Industry by Kenneth Warren
Wesley Earl Dunkle: Alaska's Flying Miner by Charles Cladwell Hawley
Western Mining: An Informal Account of Precious Metals Prospecting, Placering, Lode Mining and Milling on the American Frontier from Spanish Times... by Otis E. Young, Jr.
Western Siskiyou County: Gold and Dreams by Gail L. Fiorinijenner
When Coal Was King: Ladysmith and the Coal-Mining Industry on Vancouver Island by John R. Hinde
When Silver Was King: Arizona's Silver King Mining Days, Historical Highlights and Human Interest Portraits by Jack San Felice
When the Mines Closed: Stories of Struggles in Hard Times by Thomas Dublin
Which Side Are You on: The Harlan County Coal Miners, 1931-39 by John W. Hevener
Who Controls Public Lands?: Mining, Forestry, and Grazing Policies, 1870-1990 by Christopher McGrory Klyza
Wisconsin Underground: A Guide to Caves, Mines, and Tunnels In and Around the Badger State by Doris Green
Women's Voices from the Mother Lode: Tales from the California Gold Rush by Susan G. Butruille
The World Rushed in: The California Gold Rush Experience by J. S. Holliday
Wounding the West: Montana, Mining, and the Environment by David M. Stiller
Writers and Miners: Activism and Imagery in America by David C. Duke
Yellowcake Towns: Uranium Mining Communities in the American West by Michael A. Amundson
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