Books about Birds and Birdwatching - N-Z |
Here is an alphabetical list of books about Birds, Birdwatching,
Ornithology & Ornithologists, and some Domestic and Pet Birds, compiled by a librarian, that are currently available (in print). Click on the image or title for additional information and availability (purchases are provided by Amazon.com). The list is frequently updated; so check back often.
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| Titles A-B | Titles C-M | Titles N-Z | Children/K-12 Level | Calendars | Magazines |
National Geographic Guide to Birdwatching Sites: Eastern U.S. by Mel White
National Geographic Guide to Birdwatching Sites: Western U.S.
by Mel White
National Geographic Photographing Birds
by Rulon Simmons
National Geographic Reference Atlas to the Birds of North America
by Mel Baughman
National Geographic Photography Field Guide: Birds
by Rulon E. Simmons
National Wildlife Federation Field Guide to Birds of North America
by Edward S. Brinkley
Naturalists's Big Bend: Introduction to the Trees and Shrubs,
Wildflowers, Cacti, Mammals, Birds, Reptiles and Amphibians, Fish, and
Insects [hardcover]
by Roland H. Wauer
Naturalists's Big Bend: Introduction to the Trees and Shrubs,
Wildflowers, Cacti, Mammals, Birds, Reptiles and Amphibians, Fish, and
Insects [paperback]
by Roland H. Wauer
Nature of Penguins
by Jonathan Chester
Nature Walks North and West of Boston: AMC Guide to Hiking, Birding, and Wildlife Watching
by Michael Tougias
Nature Walks South of Boston: AMC Guide to Hiking, Birding, and Exploring Southeastern Massachusetts and Cape Cod
by Michael Tougias
Nature's Flyers: Birds, Insects, and The Biomechanics Of Flight [hardcover]
by David E. Alexander
Nature's Flyers: Birds, Insects, and The Biomechanics Of Flight [paperback]
by David E. Alexander
Nature's Music: The Science of Birdsong
by Peter Marler
Nebraska Birds (Pocket Naturalist)
by James Kavanagh
by Marion Coste
Nesting Birds of a Tropical Frontier: The Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas
by Timothy Brush
Nevada Birds (Pocket Naturalist)
by James Kavanagh
New England Bird Watching: A Year-Round Guide
by Bill Thompson
New England Birds (Pocket Naturalist)
by James Kavanagh
New Hampshire Birds (Pocket Naturalist)
by James Kavanagh
Ortho's All About Attracting Hummingbirds and Butterflies by Ortho's
Our Life With Birds: A Nature Trails Book
by John L. Tveten
Out of the Woods: A Bird Watcher's Year
by Ora E. Anderson
Owls (QED Animal Lives)
by Sally Morgan
Owls (Wild Guide)
by Cynthia Berger
Owls: A Guide to the Owls of the World
by Claus Konig
Owls: A Portrait of the Animal World
by Paul Sterry
Owls: An Artist's Guide to Understanding Owls
by Floyd Scholz
Owls of the North: An Amateur's Handbook
by Dave Benson
Owls of the World
by James R. Duncan
Owls (Strigiformes): Annotated and Illustrated Checklist
by Friedhelm Weick
Owls: The Silent Flyers
by R. D. Lawrence
Pacific Coast Bird Finder: A Pocket Guide to Some Frequently Seen Birds
by Roger J. Lederer
Painting Your Favorite Birds Step by Step
by Nancy Dale Kinney
by About Pets
Parakeets (Animal Planet Pet Care Library)
by Nikki Moustaki
Parakeets (Practical Pet Care)
by The Pet Experts at T F H Publications
Parakeets: Everything About Purchase, Care, Nutrition, Breeding, and Behavior
by Annette Wolter
Parasites and Diseases of Wild Birds in Florida
by Donald J. Forrester
The Parrot Breeder's Answer Book
by Gayle A. Soucek
The Parrot Companion
by Rosemary Low
The Parrot Companion: Caring for Parrots, Macaws, Budgies, Cockatiels and More
by Rosemary Low
A Parrot for Life: Raising and Training the Perfect Parrot Companion
by Rebecca K. O'Connor
Parrot Training: A Guide to Taming & Gentling Your Avian Companion
by Bonnie Munro Doane
The Parrot Who Owns Me: The Story of a Relationship
by Joanna Burger
- Parrotlopaedia: A Complete Guide to Parrot Care
by Annette De Saulles
by Mattie Sue Athan
Parrots of South Florida
by Susan Allene Epps
Partnerships in Birds: The Ecology of Monogamy
by Jeffrey M. Black
Partridges, Quails, Francolins, Snowcocks, Guineafowl, and Turkeys: Status Survey
by John P. Carroll
Peterson's Birds: The Art and Photography of Roger Tory Peterson by William Zinsser
Petronia: Fifty Years of Post-Independence Ornithology in India: A Centenary Dedication to Salim Ali 1896-1996
by J. C. Daniels
Pheasants, Partridges, and Grouse: A Guide to the Pheasants, Partridges,
Quails, Grouse, Guineafowl, Buttonquails, and Sandgrouse of the World
by Steve Madge
Philadelphia Birds (Pocket Naturalist)
by James Kavanagh
Phoenix Birds: An Introduction to Familiar Species in Central Arizona
by James Kavanagh
Photographic Field Guide: Birds of Australia
by Jim Flegg
A Photographic Guide to Birds of Java, Sumatra and Bali
by Tony Tilford
A Photographic Guide to Birds of Sri Lanka
by Gehan De Silva Wijeyeratne
A Photographic Guide to Birds of the West Indies
by G. Michael Flieg
A Photographic Guide to North American Raptors
by Brian K. Wheeler
Photographic Guide to the Birds of Costa Rica
by Susan C. L. Fogden
A Photographic Guide to the Birds of India: And the Indian Subcontinent-Including Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Maldives
by Bikram Grewal
A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Indonesia
by Morten Strange
A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Southeast Asia: Including the Philippines and Borneo
by Morten Strange
A Photographic Guide to the Birds of the Indian Ocean Islands: Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Reunion and the Comoros
by Ian Sinclair
by Dorothy Hinshaw Patent
Pigeons: A Complete Pet Owner's Manual
by Matthew Vriends
Raptors of the World by James Ferguson-Lees
Raptors of Western North America: The Wheeler Guide
by Brian K. Wheeler
Rare Bird: Pursuing the Mystery of the Marbled Murrelet
by Maria Mudd Ruth
Rare Encounters With Ordinary Birds: Notes from a Northwest Year
by Lyanda Lynn Haupt
Ratites and Tinamous: Tinamidae, Rheidae, Dromaiidae, Casuariidae, Apterygidae, Struthionidae (Bird Families of the World)
by S. J. J. F. Davies
Ravens in Winter
by Bernd Heinrich
A Red Bird in a Brown Bag: The Function and Evolution of Colorful Plumage in the House Finch [hardcover]
by Geoffrey E. Hill
A Red Bird in a Brown Bag: The Function and Evolution of Colorful Plumage in the House Finch [paperback]
by Geoffrey E. Hill
The Red-cockaded Woodpecker: Surviving in a Fire-Maintained Ecosystem
by Richard N. Conner
Red-Tails in Love: A Wildlife Drama in Central Park
by Marie Winn
Reed and Bush Warblers
by David Pearson
Reflections on Snipe
by Worth Mathewson
Remarkable Birds
by Stephen Moss
Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Birds: Phylogeny, Morphology, Hormones, Fertilization
by Barrie G. M. Jamieson
Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Birds: Sexual Selection, Behavior, Conservation, Embryology and Genetics
by Barrie G. M. Jamieson
Restoring North America's Birds: Lessons from Landscape Ecology
by Robert A. Askins
Restoring North America's Birds: Lessons from Landscape Ecology
by Robert A. Askins
Return of the Condor: The Race to Save Our Largest Bird from Extinction
by John Moir
Return of the Crazy Bird: The Sad, Strange Tale of the Dodo Bird
by Clara Pinto-Correia
Taking Flight: Journeys of Migration by Guilhem Lesaffre
Tales of a Low-Rent Birder
by Pete Dunne
Tanagers, Cardinals, and Finches of the United States and Canada: The Photographic Guide
by David Beadle
Teaching Your Bird to Talk
by Diane Grindol
Teach Yourself Birdwatching
by Wildfowl and Wetland Trust
Teach Yourself Keeping Poultry
by Victoria Roberts
Tennessee Bird Watching - A Year-round Guide
by Bill Thompson
Tennessee Birds (Pocket Naturalist)
by James Kavanagh
Texas Birds (Pocket Naturalist)
by James Kavanagh
Texas Quails: Ecology and Management
by Leonard A. Brennan
Textbook of Ornithology: Avian Systematics and Natural History
by Jon Ahlquist
This Birding Life
by Stephen Moss
by Peter Clement
Time Flies Journal
by Steven Maslowski
To a Young Bird Artist: Letters from Louis Agassiz Fuertes to George Miksch
by George Miksch Sutton
To See Every Bird on Earth: A Father, a Son, and a Lifetime Obsession [hardcover]
by Dan Koeppel
To See Every Bird on Earth: A Father, a Son, and a Lifetime Obsession [paperback]
by Dan Koeppel
Toucans, Barbets and Honeygides: Capitonidae, Ramphastidae and Indicatoridae
by Lester L. Short
Tracking Desire: A Journey After Swallow-tailed Kites
by Susan Cerulean
Trees, Shrubs, and Vines for Attracting Birds
by Richard M. Degraaf
Trends in Ornithology Research
by Pedro K. Ulrich
Tropical Birds Stencil Designs
by Soraia Gebara Jose
21st Century Complete Guide to Endangered Species Recovery Plans: Birds,... [CD-ROM]
by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
21st Century Guide to Endangered Species: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Information - Birds,... [CD-ROM]
by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Twin Cities Birding Map
by Michael Gillespie
Two Texas Birders: Cameos and Capers
by Fred Webster
Type Specimens of Birds in the American Museum of Natural History: Part 3: Passeriformes: Eurylaimidae, Dendrocolaptidae, Furnariidae, Formicariidae
by Mary Lecroy
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