| South Dakota's National Parks and Monuments Passport & Postal Cancellations History |
The envelopes in this display are stamped with the national parks passport cancellation stamps for the national parks sites in South Dakota and postmarked with the postal cancellations for the post offices in or nearest to the park sites. Some national forests are also included
If you are not familiar with the national parks passport cancellation stamps program, go here to learn about this exciting program: Passport To Your National Parks Program
Badlands National Park
 | Hand postal cancellation: "INTERIOR CPO, SD 57750 APR 21 2017". Passport cancellation: "Badlands National Par. Interior, SD. APR 21 2017". |
Black Hills National Forest [USFS]
 | Hand postal cancellation: "HILL CITY, SD 57745 USPS JUL 25 2017". Passport cancellation: "Black Hills NATIONAL FOREST. JUL 25 2017". |
Buffalo Gap National Grassland [USFS]
 | Hand postal cancellation: "WALL, SOUTH DAKOTA 57790 USPS APR 24 2017". Passport cancellation: "Buffalo Gap National Grassland. Wall, South Dakota". |
Jewel Cave National Monument
 | Hand postal cancellation: "CUSTER, SD 57730 USPS APR 20 2017". Passport cancellation: "Jewel Cave National Monument. Custer, SD. APR 20 2017". |
Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail
 | Hand postal cancellation: "PIERRE, SD 57501 USPS APR 20 2017". Passport cancellation: "Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail. Pierre, SD. JUL 14 [2017]". |
Minuteman Missile National Historic Site
 | Hand postal cancellation: "PHILIP, SD 57567 USPS MAY 6 2017". Passport cancellation: "Minuteman Missile National Historic Site. South Dakota. MAY 6 2017". |
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
 | Hand postal cancellation: "KEYSTONE, SD 57551 USPS APR 21 2017". Passport cancellation: "Mt. Rushmore Nat'l Memorial. Keystone, SD. APR 21 2017". |
Wind Cave National Park
 | Hand postal cancellation: "HOT SPRINGS, SD 57747 USPS APR 24 2017". Passport cancellation: "Wind Cave NP. Hot Springs, SD. APR 24 2017". |
 | Hand postal cancellation: "PRINGLE, SD 57773 USPS APR 28 2017". Passport cancellation: "Wind Cave NP. Hot Springs, SD. APR 28 2017". |
PARK SITES STILL NEEDED: Missouri National Recreational River.
Last updated: July 14, 2018
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