Jack D. Mount
The Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Sciences is the scholarly, scientific publication
of the Academy. Volume 1 was issued in 1959 as the Journal of the Arizona Academy of Sciences.
It continued under that name until 1978 when it was changed to its current name in response to the change
in the Academy's name.
This index lists the titles of the articles about paleontology in chronological order and gives the
volume, issue number, month and year, and page numbers. Following this list are an alphabetical
geographic/subject index and an author index keyed to the titles by the numbers appearing in brackets to
the left of each title.
[1] Geochronology of pluvial Lake Cochise, southern Arizona: I. Pollen
analysis of shore deposits; Richard H. Hevly & Paul S. Martin. v.2, n.1, Aug'61,
p.24-31, ill.
[2] A lava covered Tertiary forest in southern Arizona; Paul E. Damon & Halsey
W. Miller. v.2, n.3, Feb'63, p.117-119, ill.
[3] New faunal elements from the Cretaceous Arizona [abstr.]; Halsey W. Miller.
v.2, n.4, Dec'63, p.191.
[4] Correlations of Pleistocene pollen types [abstr.]; Paul S. Martin. v.3, n.2,
Oct'64, p.108.
[5] Studies of sediments from Potato Lake, Arizona [abstr.]; Melbourne C.
Whiteside. v.3, n.2, Oct'64, p.108.
[6] Pollen analysis and Late Pleistocene change in the Mojave Desert [abstr.];
Peter J. Mehringer. v.3, n.2, Oct'64, p.108.
[7] Palynology of Osgood Swamp, Eldorado County, California [abstr.]; David P.
Adam. v.3, n.2, Oct'64, p.108.
[8] On the phylogeny of pteridophytic spores [abstr.]; G. O. Kremp. v.3, n.2,
Oct'64, p.111-112.
[9] Late Pleistocene vegetation in the Mohave Desert of southern Nevada; Peter
J. Mehringer. v.3, n.3, Apr'65, p.172-188, map.
[10] The relationship of the density of petrified wood found near Joseph City,
Arizona [abstr.]; Ray A. Brady. v.3, n.4, Oct'65, p. 233.
[11] Senonian dinoflagellates and microspores from Snow Hill and Seymour
Island, eastern Antarctica [abstr.]; Lucy M. Cranwell. v.4, n.2, Oct'66, p.136.
[12] Mississippian spores in a Silurian limestone of Iowa [abstr.]; Charles E.
Schweger. v.4, n.2, Oct'66, p.136.
[13] Protoquercus, the missing link between gymnospermous and
dicotyledonous pollen [abstr.]; Gerhard O. W. Kremp. v.4, n.2, Oct'66, p.136.
[14] A brief history of paleobotany in Arizona [abstr.]; Robert C. Romans. v.5,
1968 proc. suppl., May'68, p.8.
[15] Fossil flora from the Devonian of Arizona [abstr.]; James E. Canright &
Robert C. Romans. v. 5, 1968 proc. suppl., May'68, p.8.
[16] New evidence for a Late Pleistocene or Early Recent lake near Winona,
Coconino County, Arizona [abstr.]; George L. Batchelder & Richard D. Reger. v.5,
1968 proc. suppl., May'68, p.9.
[17] Fossil Sigmodon from southeastern Arizona [abstr.]; R. J. Cantwell.
v.5, 1968 proc. suppl., May'68, p.9.
[18] A Pliocene river channel in Wupatki National Monument, Arizona; William J.
Breed. v. 5, n.3, Mar'69, p.177-181.
[19] The Escapule mammoth and associated projectile points, San Pedro Valley,
Arizona; E. Thomas Hemmings & C. Vance Haynes. v.5, n.3, Mar'69, p.184-183.
[20] Late Pleistocene vegetation change in the Christmas Tree Pass area,
Newberry Mountains, southern Nevada [abstr.]; Paul Leskinen. v.5, 1969 proc.
suppl., Apr'69, p.27-28.
[21] The distribution of Mammuthus in Arizona [abstr.]; Jeffrey J.
Saunders. v.5, 1969 proc. suppl., Apr'69, p. 36.
[22] California Condor and other birds from Stanton Cave, Arizona [abstr.]; Paul
W. Parmalee. v.5, n.4, Oct'69, p.204-206.
[23] Pluvial occurrence of Bristlecone Pine (Pinus aristata) in a Mohave
Desert mountain range; Peter J. Mehringer & Charles W. Ferguson. v.5, n.4,
Oct'69, p.284-292.
[24] Late Pleistocene molluscs and a minimum age of Meteor Crater, Arizona;
Richard D. Reger & George L. Batchelder. v.6, n.3, Feb'71, p.190-195.
[25] Schizaeaceous fern spores from the Cretaceous of Arizona; Robert C.
Romans. v.7, n.3, Oct'72, p.120-128, ill.
[26] A Late Pleistocene vertebrate fauna from the Nichols site, Scottsdale,
Arizona; Robert F. Lundin & Chester F. Royse. v.8, n.1, Feb'73, p.29-33, map,
[27] Late Wisconsin vegetation of the Sonoran Desert [abstr.]; Thomas R. Van
Devender. v.8, 1973 proc. suppl., Apr'83, p.18.
[28] The paleoecology of southwestern New Mexico [abstr.]; W. Geoffrey
Spaulding. v.8, 1973 proc. suppl., Apr'73, p.18.
[29] The earliest distribution of tricoplate angiospermous pollen [abstr.]; Richard
E. Jones & Gerhard O. W. Kremp. v.8, 1973 proc. suppl., Apr'73, p.44-45.
[30] The distribution of the Cretaceous guide fossils Aquilapollenites and
Proteachidites [abstr.]; William C. Sulkoske and others. v.8, 1973 proc.
suppl., Apr'73, p.45.
[31] Vertebrate paleontology of the Rio Papigochic Valley, Chihuahua [abstr.];
Norm Tessman. v.8, 1973 proc. suppl., Apr'73, p.45.
[32] Small mammals of the Quiburis Formation, southeastern Arizona [abstr.];
Louis L. Jacobs. v.8, 1973 proc. suppl., Apr'73, p.45-46.
[33] The California Wash vertebrate fauna, Late Cenozoic of the San Pedro
Valley, Arizona [abstr.]; Everett H. Lindsay & Thomas R. Van Devender. v.8, 1973
proc. suppl., Apr'73, p.46.
[34] A Middle Pennsylvanian fauna from the Naco Formation near Kohl Ranch,
central Arizona [abstr.]; Stanley S. Beus. v.8, 1973 proc. suppl., Apr'73,
[35] Cenozoic vertebrate localities and faunas in Arizona; Everett H. Lindsay &
Norman T. Tessman. v.9, n.1, Feb'74, p.3-24.
[36] A Pleistocene gravel deposit near Grand Falls, Arizona; Stanley S. Beus &
Dale Nations. v.9, n.1, Feb'74, p.36-40, map, ill.
[37] Late Pleistocene plant communities in the lower Grand Canyon of Arizona
[abstr.]; Arthur M. Phillips III. v.9, 1974 proc. suppl., Apr'74, p.18-19.
[38] Two Late Pleistocene plant communities from the Grand Canyon [abstr.]; Jim
I. Mead & Thomas R. Van Devender. v.9, 1974 proc. suppl., Apr'74, p.19.
[39] Dynamics of Late Pleistocene change in southern Nevada [abstr.]; W.
Geoffrey Spaulding. v.9, 1974 proc. suppl., Apr'74, p.19.
[40] Late Pleistocene fossils from Glendale, Clark County, Nevada [abstr.]. v.9,
1974 proc. suppl., Apr'74, p.34.
[41] Late Pleistocene snapping turtles from southern Nevada [abstr.]; Thomas
R. Van Devender & Norman T. Tessman. v.9, 1974 proc. suppl., Apr'74, p.34.
[42] Pleistocene turtles from the Whetlock oil well locality, Graham County,
Arizona [abstr.]; Kevin B. Moodie & Thomas R. Van Devender. v.9, 1974 Proc.
Suppl., Apr'74, p.35.
[43] Additional rodent material from the Redington fauna, Pliocene of Arizona
[abstr.]; Louis L. Jacobs. v.9, 1974 proc. suppl., Apr'74, p.35.
[44] Small vertebrates of the Bidahochi Formation, northeastern Arizona [abstr.];
Alan Baskin. v. 9, 1974 proc. suppl., Apr'74, p.35.
[45] Carbon, nitrogen and 15N content of fossil and modern dung from the lower
Grand Canyon; Frances E. Clark and others. v.9, n.3, Oct'74, p.95-96.
[46] Pleistocene packrat middens from the lower Grand Canyon of Arizona;
Arthur M. Phillips III & Thomas R. Van Devender. v.9, n.3, Oct'74, p.117-119.
[47] Palynology of a Paleozoic coal from Fossil Creek Canyon [abstr.]; Kyoko N.
Kremp & James E. Canright. v.10, 1975 proc. suppl., Apr'75, p.47.
[48] Conodont biostratigraphy of the Redwall Limestone in east-central Arizona
[abstr.]; J. S. Racey & R. F. Lundin. v.10, 1975 proc. suppl., Apr'75, p.47.
[49] Late Pleistocene and modern plant communities of Shinumo Creek and Peach
Springs Wash, lower Grand Canyon, Arizona; Thomas R. Van Devender & James I.
Mead. v.11, n.1, Feb'76, p.16-22, map.
[50] Pleistocene Equus from Salt River terrace gravels, Phoenix, Arizona;
J. Dale Nations & Everett Lindsay. v.11, n.1, Feb'76, p.27-28, ill.
[51] The Pleistocene fauna and flora of Vulture Cave, Grand Canyon, Arizona
[abstr.]; Jim I. Mead & Arthur M. Phillips III. v.11, 1976 proc. suppl., Apr'76,
[52] Late Pleistocene paleoecology of the lower Grand Canyon, Arizona [abstr.];
Arthur M. Phillips III. v.11, 1976 proc. suppl., Apr'76, p.32.
[53] A preliminary report on petrified wood from the Tertiary of Arizona
[abstr.]; M. R. Lee & M. Zavada. v.11, 1976 proc. suppl., Apr'76, p.86.
[54] A reevaluation of the paleobotany of the Fruitland Formation, San Juan
Basin, New Mexico [abstr.]; Michael Zavada. v.11, 1976 proc. suppl., Apr'76,
[55] Sodium in teeth of fossil vertebrates as a paleobiological tool [abstr.];
Ronald B. Parker & Heinrich Toots. v.11, 1976 proc. suppl., Apr'76, p.87.
[56] Mammalian faunas and paleomagnetic stratigraphy of the type Torrejonian,
San Juan Basin, New Mexico [abstr.]; Louis H. Taylor. v.11, 1976 proc. suppl.,
Apr'76, p.88.
[57] Strange fossils [abstr.]; William Martin. v.11, 1976 proc. suppl., Apr'76,
[58] Ordovician conodonts from Holy Joe Peak, northern Galiuro Mountains, Pinal
County, Arizona [abstr.]; Donald P. Witter Jr. v.11, 1976 proc. suppl., Apr'76,
[59] Stratigraphy and depositional history of the Martin Formation (middle and
upper Devonian) in southeastern Arizona [abstr.]; Edward N. Agurkis. v.11, 1976
proc. suppl., Apr'76, p.89.
[60] Paleoecology and sedimentary environments of the upper Devonian Percha
Formation, south-central Arizona [abstr.]; Sally J. Meader. v.11, 1976 proc.
suppl., Apr'76, p.89.
[61] Late Quaternary vegetational change in the Sheep Range, southern Nevada
[abstr.]; W. Geoffrey Spaulding. v. 12, n.1, Feb'77, p.3-8, map.
[62] Report of a Late Tertiary petrified wood from Yuma County, Arizona;
Michael R. Lee & Michael Zavada. v.12, n.1, Feb'77, p.21-22, ill.
[63] Modern and Late Pleistocene plant distributions in the central Grand
Canyon [abstr.]; Kenneth L. Cole. v.12, 1977 proc. suppl., Apr'77, p.11.
[64] Pollen studies of ancient lake sediments in Zion National Park, Utah
[abstr.]; Richard H. Hevly. v.12, 1977 proc. suppl., Apr'77, p.16-17.
[65] Past plant communities of a Nevada mountain range [abstr.]; W. Geoffrey
Spaulding. v.12, 1977 proc. suppl., Apr'77, p.52.
[66] Mid-upper Devonian unconformity in southeastern Arizona [abstr.]; Donald
P. Witter, Jr. v.12, 1977 proc. suppl., Apr'77, p.56-57.
[67] Late Devonian invertebrates from the Martin Formation, Verde Valley,
Arizona [abstr.]; Susan M. Celestian & Stanley S. Beus. v.12, 1977 proc. suppl.,
Apr'77, p.57.
[68] The bearing of Oswald West to trace fossils of the DSDP cores [abstr.]; C.
Kent Chamberlain. v.12, 1977 proc. suppl., Apr'77, p.57.
[69] Arizona's oldest fossils (1.2 b.y.+) [abstr.]; William A. Martin. v.12, 1977
proc. suppl., Apr'77, p.57.
[70] The Rampart Cave fire: evaluation of a paleo-tragedy [abstr.]; Arthur M.
Phillips and others. v.13, 1978 proc. suppl., Apr'78, p.25-26.
[71] Late Devonian paleoecology in central Arizona [abstr.]; Debra M. Knox.
v.13, 1978 proc. suppl., Apr'78, p.46.
[72] A primitive ornithischian dinosaur from Arizona [abstr.]; Edwin H. Colbert.
v.13, 1978 proc. suppl., Apr'78, p.46.
[73] New records of Late Cenozoic fossil plants, invertebrates and vertebrates
in Yavapai County, Arizona [abstr.]; R. S. Hevly and others. v.13, 1978 proc.
suppl., Apr'78, p.46-47.
[74] Skull of Pentaceratops (?) and other fossils from the Late Cretaceous
of New Mexico [abstr.]; J. Dale Nations & Edwin H. Colbert. v.13, 1978 proc.
suppl., Apr'78, p.47.
[75] Paleoecological analysis of the Mancos Shale (upper Cretaceous) in Black
Mesa, Arizona [abstr.]; Dale Nations & Bruce Wellton. v.15, 1979 proc. suppl.,
Apr'79, p.86-87.
[76] A new basal Ordovician graptolite horizon from the Goodwin Formation,
Nine-Mile Canyon, central Nevada [abstr.]; Bernd-Dietrich Erdtmann & David
Comeau. v.14, 1979 proc. suppl., Apr'79, p.87-88.
[77] Additions to the Triassic vertebrate fauna of Petrified Forest National Park,
Arizona; Louis L. Jacobs. v.15, n.1, 1980, p.12.
[78] Late Quaternary environments of the northern Snake Range, Nevada
[abstr.]; Robert S. Thompson. v.15, 1980 proc. suppl., Apr'80, p.111.
[79] Neogene lacustrine sediments and fossils, Verde Formation, Arizona [abstr.];
R. H. Hevly and others. v.15, 1980 proc. suppl., Apr'80, p.43.
[80] Late Quaternary animal remains from packrat middens in the eastern Grand
Canyon, Arizona; Kenneth Cole & Jim I. Mead. v.16, n.1, 1981, p.24-25.
[81] Upper Albian angiosperm pollen of Kansas--an evolutionary assessment
[abstr.]; Jerome V. Ward. v.17, 1982 proc. suppl., Apr'82, p.38.
[82] Stratigraphic palynology of the lower Lance Formation (upper Cretaceous)
in Crook County, Wyoming [abstr.]; Michael J. Farabee. v.17, 1982 proc. suppl.,
Apr'82, p.38-39.
[83] Conodont biostratigraphy of some Mississippian rocks in northeastern
Nevada and northwestern Utah [abstr.]; John Harmala. v.17, 1982 proc. suppl.,
Apr'82, p.39.
[84] Pliocene vertebrates from the Clarkdale, Arizona, cement quarry [abstr.];
Nicholas Czaplewski. v.18, 1983 proc. suppl., Apr'83, p.31-32.
[85] The geology and climate of the Triassic indigenous forest, Petrified Forest
National Park, Arizona [abstr.]; Terah L. Smiley. v.18, 1983 proc. suppl., Apr'83,
[86] Paleoecology of two Permian fossil communities in the Kaibab Formation,
northern Arizona [abstr.]; Dave Edwards & Stanley S. Beus. v.18, 1983 proc.
suppl., Apr'83, p.58-59.
[87] New Pliocene and Pleistocene megafauna localities from northern Arizona
[abstr.]; Larry D. Agenbroad & Charles W. Bolen. v.18, 1983 proc. suppl., Apr'83,
[88] The Mylodon masticating apparatus [abstr.]; Debra K. Meier. v.18,
1983 proc. suppl., Apr'83, p.59.
[89] A Late Pleistocene mastodon (Mammut americanum) from Pinal County,
Arizona [abstr.]; Larry D. Agenbroad and others. v.18, 1983 proc. suppl., Apr'83,
[90] Late Quaternary zonation of vegetation in the eastern Grand Canyon
[abstr.]; Kenneth Cole. v.18, 1983 proc. suppl., Apr'83, p.73.
[91] A regressive sequence and associated ichnofaunal assemblage, Bright Angel
Shale (Cambrian), Grand Canyon, Arizona [abstr.]; D. L. Martin & D. K. Elliott.
v.19, 1984 proc. suppl., Apr'84, p.55-56.
[92] Cryptoendolithic algae in northern Arizona sandstones--a 65 million year
association [abstr.]; Patrick V. Athey and others. v.19, 1984 proc. suppl., Apr'84,
[93] Extinction of Harrington's Mountain Goat in the Grand Canyon [abstr.]; Paul
S. Martin. v.19, 1984 proc. suppl., Apr'84, p.57-58.
[94] Pleistocene desert in the lower Colorado River Valley [abstr.]; Kenneth Cole
& T. R. Van Devender. v.19, 1984 proc. suppl., Apr'84, p.58.
[95] A robust tapir from northern Arizona; Larry D. Agenbroad & William R.
Downs. v.19, n.2, 1984, p.91-99, map, ill.
[96] The occurrence of an opportunistic species in the upper Toroweap
Formation, northwest Arizona [abstr.]; Teresa J. Tinl & Stanley S. Beus. v.20,
1985 proc. suppl., Apr'85, p.44-45.
[97] Mammoth remains recovered in Chandler, Maricopa County, Arizona [abstr.];
Troy L. Pewe and others. v.21, 1986 proc. suppl., Apr'86, p.50.
[98] A new cyathaspidid (Agnatha, Heterostraci) from the lower Devonian Sevy
Dolomite in east-central Nevada [abstr.]; David K. Elliott & Christine D. Smith.
v.21, 1986 proc. suppl., Apr'86, p.55.
[99] Araucarioxylon arizonicum (petrified wood) suggested as Arizona's
state fossil [abstr.]; Robert S. Dietz & Troy L. Pewe. v.21, 1986, proc. suppl.,
Apr'86, p.57.
[100] The Late Pleistocene avifauna of Crystal Ball Cave, Utah; Steven D. Emslie
& Timothy H. Heaton. v.21, n.2, 1987, p.53-60.
[101] Chancelloria, an enigmatic fossil from the Bright Angel Shale
(Cambrian) of Grand Canyon, Arizona; David K. Elliott & Daryl L. Martin. v.21,
n.2, 1987, p.67-72, map, ill.
[102] Orientation and origin of sole traces from the Moenkopi Formation (Early
Triassic), northeastern Arizona [abstr.]; Randy E. Kirby. v.22, 1987 proc. suppl.,
Apr'87, p.42-43.
[103] Evidence of cephalopod predation on a brachiopod from the Naco Formation
(Pennsylvanian) of central Arizona [abstr.]; David K. Elliott. v.22, 1987 proc.
suppl., Apr'87, p.43.
[104] Terrestrial fauna and flora from the Triassic Moenkopi Formation of the
southwestern United States; Michael Morales. v.22, n.1, 1987, p.1-19.
[105] A new specimen of Chinlea sorenseni from the Chinle Formation,
Dolores River, Colorado; David K. Elliott. v.22, n.1, 1987, p.47-52, ill.
[106] Notes on the stratigraphy and paleontology of the upper Triassic Dockum
Group; Phillip A. Murry. v.22, n.1, 1987, p.73-84, map.
[107] Taphonomy and paleoecology of the Dockum Group, Howard County, Texas;
Ruth L. Elder. v.22, n.1, 1987, p.85-94, map.
[108] The upper Triassic red bed flora of the Colorado Plateau, western United
States; Sidney R. Ash. v.22, n.1, 1987, p.95-105, map, ill.
[109] Petrified wood (Araucarioxylon arizonicum): proposed as Arizona's
state fossil; Robert S. Dietz and others. v.22, n.2, 1987, p.109-115.
[110] Plant macrofossils from the sediments of Mad Chipmunk, Nevada [abstr.];
Steven Diveley-White. v.23, 1988 proc. suppl., Apr'88, p.9.
[111] Post-glacial vegetation and climatic change in the Sangre de Cristo
Mountains, south-central Colorado [abstr.]; David S. Shafer & O. K. Davis. v.23,
1988 proc. suppl., Apr'88, p.40-41.
[112] Vertebrate remains from Mad Chipmunk Cave, north-central Great Basin
[abstr.]; Denny V. Diveley-White. v.23, 1988 proc. suppl., Apr'88, p.41.
[113] Circular orientation of invertebrate fossil shells in Permian Kaibab
Formation, northwestern Arizona [abstr.]; Stanley S. Beus and others. v.24, 1989
proc. suppl., Apr'89, p.46.
[114] Devonian placoderms from Flagstaff, Arizona [abstr.]; D. K. Elliott and
others. v.24, 1989 proc. suppl., Apr'89, p.46.
Algae- 92
Ammonites- 3
Amphibians- 77, 102, 104, 106, 107
Antarctica- 11
Araucarioxylon- 99, 109
Adam, David P.- 7
Agenbroad, Larry D.- 87, 89, 95
Agurkis, Edward N.- 59
Ash, Sidney R.- 108
Athey, Patrick V.- 92
Batchelder, George L.- 16, 24
Beus, Stanley S.- 34, 36, 67, 86, 96, 113
Bolen, Charles W.- 87
Brady, Ray A.- 10
Breed, William J.- 18
Canright, James E.- 15, 47
Cantwell, R. J.- 17
Celestian, Susan M.- 67
Chamberlain, C. Kent- 68
Clark, Frances E.- 45
Colbert, Edwin H.- 72, 74
Cole, Kenneth L.- 63, 80, 90, 94
Comeau, David- 76
Cranwell, Lucy M.- 11
Czaplewski, Nicholas- 84
Damon, Paul E.- 2
Davis, O. K.- 111
Dietz, Robert S.- 99, 109
Diveley-White, Denny V.- 112
Diveley-White, Steven- 110
Downs, William R.- 95
Edwards, Dave- 86
Elder, Ruth L.- 107
Elliott, David K.- 91, 98, 101, 103, 105, 114
Emslie, Steven D.- 100
Erdtmann, Bernd-Dietrich- 76
Farabee, Michael J.- 82
Harmala, John- 83
Haynes, C. Vance- 19
Heaton, Timothy H.- 100
Hemmings, E. Thomas- 19
Hevly, Richard H.- 1, 64, 72, 79
Jacobs, Louis L.- 32, 43, 77
Jones, Richard E.- 29
Kirby, Randy E.- 102
Know, Debra M.- 71
Kremp, Gerhard O. W.- 8, 13, 29
Kremp, Kyoko N.- 47
Lee, Michael R.- 53, 62
Leskinen, Paul- 20
Lindsay, Everett H.- 33, 35, 50
Lundin, Robert F.- 26, 48
Martin, Daryl L.- 91, 101
Martin, Paul S.- 1, 93
Martin, William A.- 57, 69
Mead, James I.- 38, 49, 51, 80
Meader, Sally J.- 60
Mehringer, Peter J., Jr.- 6, 9
Meier, Debra K.- 88
Miller, Halsey W., Jr.- 2, 3
Moodie, Kevin B.- 42
Morales, Michael- 104
Murry, Phillip A.- 106
Nations, J. Dale- 36, 50, 74, 75
Parker, Ronald B.- 55
Parmalee, Paul W.- 22
Pewe, Troy L.- 97, 99
Phillips, Arthur M., III- 37, 46, 51, 52, 70
Racey, J. S.- 48
Reger, Richard D.- 16, 24
Romans, Robert C.- 14, 15, 25
Royse, Chester F.- 26
Saunders, Jeffrey J.- 21
Schweger, Charles E.- 12
Shafer, David S.- 111
Smiley, Terah L.- 85
Smith, Christine D.- 98
Spaulding, W. Geoffrey- 28, 39, 61, 65
Sulkoske, William C.- 30
Taylor, Louis H.- 56
Tessman, Norman T.- 31, 35
Thompson, Robert S.- 78
Tinl, Teresa J.- 96
Toots, Heinrich- 55
Van Devender, Thomas R.- 33, 38, 42, 46, 49, 94
Ward, Jerome V.- 81
Wellton, Bruce- 75
Whiteside, Melbourne C.- 5
Witter, Donald P., Jr.- 58, 66
Zavada, Michael- 53, 54, 62
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