Early Cambrian Fauna of the Latham Shale, Southern California.
Jack D. Mount, University of California, Riverside.
Fourteen species of invertebrates are now known to occur in the Latham Shale of Hazzard (1954), a 50- to 100-foot thick formation of late Early Cambrian age exposed in outcrops scattered widely throughout San Bernardino and Inyo Counties, California. The following taxa have been recognized: Brachiopoda: Paterina prospectensis (Walcottt 1884), Mickwitzia occidens Walcott, 1908; Mollusca: Hyolithes whitei Resser, 1938; Trilobita: Olenellus gilberti Meek in White, 1874, Fremontia fremonti (Walcott, 1910), Paedeumias clarki Resser, 1928, P. mohavensis Crickmay, 1933, P. nevadensis (Walcott, 1910), Bristolia bristolensis (Resser, 1928), B. insolens (Resser, 1928), B. n.sp., Peachella iddingsi (Walcott, 1884), Onchocephalus n.sp.; Crustacea: Anomalocaris sp. aff. A. canadensis Whiteaves, 1892.
Preliminary results suggest a possible zonation of the formation. Laterally equivalent strata are the lower parts of the Bright Angel Shale of Arizona, the Pioche Shale of Nevada, and the Carrara and Saline Valley Formations of California.
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